It Is Well With My Soul/The River's Gonna Keep On Rolling (Medley) - Amy Grant (艾米·格兰特) When peace like a river attendeth my way When sorrows like sea billows roll Whatever my lot Thou hast taught me to say It is well it is well with my soul Oh you can tell someone you...
《Medley It Is Well With My Soul The River's Gonna Keep On Rolling》是 Amy Grant演唱的歌曲,由Traditional、Vince Gill作曲,收录于《WOW Hits 2003》专辑中。歌曲歌词 When peace like a river attendeth my way When sorrows like sea billows roll Whatever my lot Thou ...
世界以痛吻我的灵魂,要求它回报以歌声。 THE world has kissed my soul with its pain, asking for its return in songs. 痛意味着爱、深爱,世界是爱人类的,有爱才有痛。吻是爱的表现。我既可以指作者本人,也可以指人类。灵魂比喻永恒的精神,即真善美。歌声比喻自由、快乐、美好。 世界深爱着人类,希望人...
Sound of Music is my favorite move,it told a moving story about World War II.Captain’s family loved music with their heart and soul,which moved me deeply. 《音乐之声》是我最喜欢的动作,它讲述了一个关于第二次世界大战的感人故事。船长的`家人全心全意地热爱音乐,这深深地打动了我。
I Love The Lordit Is Well With My Soul 《I Love The Lordit Is Well With My Soul》是VariousArtists演唱的歌曲。歌曲: I Love The Lordit Is Well With My Soul
It is well it is well with my soul You can tell someone you love 'em From the bottom of your heart And believe that it's the truest thing you've known And even if you never break the promises you've made The river's gonna keep on rolling on And if you haven't got a...
I think going away is good. Like they say, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.” I totally believe in it. Going away is really important. I don’t understand how people can be together all day with each other and be totally fine. I think it is sweet and beautiful…SB: Have you...
35. "The world has kissed my soul(灵魂)with its pain(痛), asking for its return in songs" tells us___. A. that we should get lots of pain from the world B. that we should sing lots of songs C. that we should smile at the difficulties D. that we should be friendly to the ...
be here. Although she cannot recognize his face, she knows him somehow. As they stand together, a single ray of light grows from behind, wrapping them in its warmth until they dissipate into it. When she awakes, a cloud of winter air still floats above her. It was just a dream again...