The books of the People of the Stone Series will be one writer’s attempt to deal with this pastof the peoples who first came to inhabit, what was for them also, a “New World” from a perspective that I do not believe has often been attempted. First, as a professional archeologist/...
Macmillan: Series: The Stoneways Trilogy: BooksFeaturedS. C. ButlerMacmillan
fancy how difficult it is for a parson to resist spending a half-crown when John Breakstone's family are without a loaf; or 'standing' a bottle of port for poor old Polly Rabbits, who has her thirteenth child; or treating himself to a suit of corduroys for little Bob Scarecrow, whose...
[Year 1: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone]Remus's jaw dropped. He could only stare at the words, not knowing what to say or do. He stared at the picture on the cover and discovered that it was really Harry. Flying on a broom trying to catch a falling Snitch—the jet black ...
In the photo above taken from our room, you can see the ‘Y’ on the mountainside overlooking BYU’s campus. The ‘Y’ is made of stone and a popular hiking destination. LTUE conference room map Panels and presentations were scheduled from 9 AM to 6 PM Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. ...
——Hermione Granger, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Before the start of each school term, Hogwarts students would receive a letter listening what books they would need for the subjects assigned to them for the year. Along with writing the text for the pages within, the graphics depar...
Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone 《哈利·波特与魔法石》是英国女作家J.K.罗琳创作的《哈利·波特》系列小说第一部,讲述了自幼父母双亡的孤儿哈利·波特收到魔法学校霍格沃茨的邀请,前去学习魔法,之后遭遇的一系列历险故事。小说一出版便好评如潮,荣获了英国国家图书奖儿童小说奖和斯马蒂图书金奖章奖,并被译...
(1736-96), the temperature reached 40 C one summer day. The dragons were so thirsty that during the night, they flew down to the bronze vat in Changchun Palace to drink water. To allow the dragons to sleep better, Emperor Qianlong ordered that a stone be put in Changchun Palace to ...
In another of our end-of-year series highlighting thebest audiobooksof 2024, our friends atAudioFilemagazine offer an overview of the best new nonfiction audiobooks—including a sparky history of reality TV byNew Yorkerstaffer Emily Nussbaum and highly acclaimed works of memoir and cultural critici...
《Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter Series, Book 1)》作者:Scholastic,出版社:2013年8月 第1版,ISBN:78.00。ThisspecialeditionofHarryPotterandtheSorcerer’sSto