一个approach是尝试想象一个没有政府的社会,也就是 the state of nature(自然状态). 以下是不同哲学家对于自然状态的观点,以及,人类是如何一步一步进入有政府的社会。 In the state of nature, there is no place for industry; because the food thereof is uncertain. -- Thomas Hobbes 霍布斯认为,人类无法...
霍布斯 人的自然状态与战争状态 Hobbes - The State of Nature and War 自然状态是无序的战争。 The state of nature is chaotic war. 和平来自对强权的恐惧。 Peace comes from fear of power. 个人利益驱使人类冲突。 Self-interest drives human conflict. 法律是结束战争的工具。 Law is the tool to end ...
life without the state might seem a much more attractive possibility if we adopted a different theory of human nature and motivation. Hobbes argues that people continually seek felicity: the power to satisfy whatever future desires they may have. This, ...
Cornelia Navari. Hobbes,the State of Nature and the Laws of Nature[A].New York:St.Martin's Press,1996.For the influence of Hobbes on modern realists, such as Morgenthau, Niebhur, Carr, Butterfield, Osgood, Kennan, Beitz and Kissinger see C. Navari, "Hobbes, the State of Nature and ...
”but the most important of which to Hobbes is the actual possibility of factional strife leading to the breakdown or disintegration of already existing but from a Hobbesian view flawed civil society.One implication of this distinction is that the first state of nature is really a powerful ...
The author argues that William Shakespeare's play such as "King Lear" and "Othello" provide the ideological groundwork for social contract theory, as formulated in "Leviathan," by Thomas Hobbes. He contends that Shakespeare's view of human nature is revolutionary, like that of Hobbes. He add...
Even at the front, where, one might have thought, death made equals of us all, my power soon convinced me that I was a superior human being. * Pride grows in the human heart like lard on a pig. – Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago While many of Hobbes's tenets are unattractive to...
论人类的自然状态——小议霍布斯·洛克·卢梭法学思想(The state of human nature -- on Hobbs Locke Russo's legal thought) The state of human nature Hobbes? Rock Rousseau? Legal Thought Abstract: in seventeen and eighteenth Century, with the rapid development of capitalism, human history entered the...
英译本导言 by Richard Tuck全名Elementa philosophica de Cive(《关于公民身份的哲学原理》)。Hobbes成名很晚。1630年代开始构思《哲学原理》(1668),含三个部分:《论物体》《论人》《论公民》,但受英国政治骚乱刺激,先集中精力完成第三部分。需要了解其哲学原理基本内容:外在世界无法确知,我们...
14. In order to escape the horror of the state of nature, Hobbes concludes, peace is the first law of nature. The second law of nature is that we mutually divest ourselves of certain rights (such as the right to take another person’s life) so as to achieve peace. This mutual ...