The state of mental health publications in the Philippines from 1996 to 2022 and its comparison with the ASEAN regionRowalt Alibudbud
Poor mental health can impact a person’s ability to make healthy decisions, potentially contributing to chronic disease and early death. Nearly 60 million adults in 2022 were estimated to have had any mental illness within the past year, according to the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health...
The World Mental Health Report (WMHR) 2022 is written for decision-makers in the health sector, including ministries of health and other partners in the health sector who are in charge of developing mental health policy activities. Even though not primarily intended to provide guidance to mental...
Georgia now ranks 48th in the Mental Health America ranking, which is a slight improvement from last year when the state was in last place. “I believe that we are on track to have some significant and some comprehensive changes to the mental health landscape here in Georgia,” said Abdul...
Objective: COVID-19 is rearranging our society with fear and worry about the novel coronavirus impacting the mental health of Americans. The current study examines the intersection of COVID-19 fear, worries and perceived threat with social vulnerabilities and mental health consequences, namely anxiety...
Proceedings of the 2022 3rd International Conference on Mental Health, Education and Human Development (MHEHD 2022) Editors A. Luqman Q. Y. Zhang W. Liu Part of series ASSEHR Volume 670 ISSN 2352-5398 ISBN 978-94-6239-589-3 Indexing All articles in these proceedings are submitted for indexa...
The year 2023 marks the mid-point of the 15-year period envisaged to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, targets for global development adopted in September 2015 by all United Nations Member States. To help track where we are on this journey, and to amplify success stories, in this ...
On June 9, Chinese President Xi Jinping attended the 17th meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Astana. Cartoon commentary, Xi's Central Asia tour②: Injecting momentum to accelerate China-Kazakhstan all-round cooperation In this lovely mid-...
In addition, the school's Centre for Tropical Medicine and Global Health employs more than 1,500 staff in Africa and Asia researching improvements to treatments for tropical infectious diseases. Next:3. Stanford University 19/24 Credit 3. Stanford University During the 2022-2023 academic year,...
Penn State Study Targets Ereader User Engagement29 June 2023 (Smeal College of Business)Faster loading times and incentives like free book chapters and credits may make an e-reader the, “one app to rule them all.”… The model allowed the researchers to study “hidden” variables — in thi...