the newly formed Israeli army succeeded in defeating their enemies in the war beeen 1948 and 1949. After that the state of Israel stood firm on the land of Palestine and the Palestini became a race without a ernment of their own.
During the many years of dispersion, the Jewish people never severed nor forgot its bond with the Land of Israel. With the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, Jewish independence, lost two thousand years earlier, was renewed. ...
When the state of Israel was established in 1948, more than 100,000 Palestinian refugees fled to Lebanon. UNRWA, the United Nations aid agency for Palestinians,saysthere are currently between 200,000 and 250,000 Palestinian refugees living in Lebanon, many of whom it says live in poverty due ...
After the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, the young country experienced diplomatic isolation and Arab League boycotts. Today, Israel has diplomatic ties with 154 out of the other 191 member states of the United Nations, as well as with non-member Vatican City. This paper argues...
The story of the Israel Defence Forces is the story of Israel itself. From the creation of the state in 1948, the IDF has repeatedly fought and won wars with Arab countries that were bent on destroying it. Israelis see their army as the best of themselves—tough, shrewd and innovative. ...
The portrayal of the state of Israel in prominent Arab films (1948-today)Dabbous, Yasmine
Israel (ˈɪzreɪəl; -rɪəl) n 1.(Placename) a republic in SW Asia, on the Mediterranean Sea: established in 1948, in the former British mandate of Palestine, as a primarily Jewish state; 8 disputes with Arab neighbours (who did not recognize the state of Israel), erupte...
In 1948, the Jewish nation was prophetically reborn (Isaiah 66:7–8 ) as the State of Israel, and ever since Jews have been streaming back to the Land from all four corners of the earth. The Significance of the Jewish Prayer Shawl In Biblical times, in obedience to Numbers 15:...
Ever since the state of Israel’s founding in 1948, ultra-Orthodox Jews – those who take the strictest approach toward following Jewish law, and arenow around 14%of the population – have been exempt from military service. Among all other Jewish citizens, from the secular to the modern Ort...
在中东,上演着的是德国支持的安东·萨阿德【Antoun Saadeh】的大叙利亚国【Greater Syria】、意大利支持的阿拉伯联合共和国【United Arab Republic】,以及西方支持的以色列国【State of Israel】之间的三国志; 在意大利,起先是由墨索里尼【Mussolini】统治,在翁贝托皇帝【Emperor Umberto】的政变失败后,现在则转变成了由阿...