Lack of gender equality not only limits women's access to resources and opportunities, but also imperils the life prospects of the future generation. In the present article an attempt has been made to examine the problem of gender inequality in India. In this process, the article not only ...
Gross value added (GVA) per worker in agriculture Cost of living Rural inflation Price of a Big Mac in India State with the highest per capita income Further reports Get the best reports to understand your industry Women in India Employment in India Poverty and inequality in India ...
Before wanting to discuss rules and order, the US should first pay up its arrears of one billion US dollars for the UN's regular budget and 1.4 billion US dollars peacekeeping assessments, ratify in a timely manner the United Nations C...
Over the years, the State Council has canceled or delegated to lower-level authorities the power of administrative approval for over 1,000 items and slashed the number of investment items subject to central government approval by over 90 percent. "Let the vitality that creates wealth burst forth,...
Evidence of multidimensional gender inequality in energy services from a large-scale household survey in India Improved energy access can bring socio-economic benefits, yet these may not be evenly distributed within the household. Zhang et al. conduct a large-scale survey in India and find gender...
Significant political change and a vision of an idealized nation-state prompted a shift from colonialism to decolonization. What resulted is a return and reproduction of traditional identity, made evident in the architecture and built environment. ...
Available state level results from the National Sample Surveys in India provide such an opportunity. This article uses this unique data set to examine the interrelationships between average consumption and inequality within states, and test for causality. Distributional patterns of growth vary, but ...
\({\text{SED}}_{{\text{st }}}\) is the state election dummy equal to 1 for the years in which elections are held in a State; otherwise, it is zero. \({\text{NED}}_{{\text{st }}} { }\) is the national election dummy, which is equal to 1 for the years in which electi...
In Bangladesh, where a significant portion of the population still remains outside the formal banking system, financial inclusion is not just a lofty aspiration, but an essential requirement for the overall development of the society or the state. Immediately after the end of the long rule of th...
Large scale surveys tell you, America simply has not enough quality of life, too much crime, too much inequality, pollution, racism violence, et cetera. Yes, that means I've got some more issues to cover. Let's continue.Reason number seven, violence. So many Americans are proud of their...