look alike look an idiot look and say these nu look at a woman look at each other in look at here look at its bright li look at me go whoo-ho look at ones reflecti look at shoes look at the boy look at the cloud look at the text on p look at these photogr look at this hou...
In summary, with the aim of taking a snapshot of the current Italian research community on ML, in this paper: We review the state of the art in Italy in recent years (i.e., since 2018), focusing on ML/DL in medicine, including all medical areas. We present a general map of the ...
Suicide rates and state laws regulating access and exposure to handguns. Am J Public Health. 2015;105(10):2049-2058.PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 64. Liu S, Siegel PZ, Brewer RD. Prevalence of alcohol-impaired driving. JAMA. 1997;277(2):122-125.ArticlePubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 65. ...
As I enter my final term as Vice-Chancellor I have started to muse on the many people, scenes and activities that I will miss, and a few I won’t. I must confess that I am very glad that I will never again have to write another Oration! In reflecting on the year that has passed...
d Signed change in valence was then broken down by whether coordinates moved from a more to less negative state (i.e., within the left hemisphere of the Emotion Compass) or moved from a less to more positive state (i.e., stayed within the right hemisphere of the Emotion Compass). ...
Next time the debugger displays a DLL load notification, you will know with some degree of confidence the state that the module is in: it has been mapped into memory, it has not been added to the PEB's housekeeping area, and, most importantly, it has not been initialized yet. ...
The participants were asked how often they experienced some mental state in the past week, with a 4-point rating scale, ranging from 1 (Never, less than one day) to 4 (most of the time, 5–7 days). 2 of the 8 items (i.e., “feel happy” and “have a happy life”) were ...
Researchers from MIT and Arizona State University found that priming users – by telling them that a conversational AI agent for mental health support was either empathetic, neutral, or manipulative – influenced their perception of the chatbot and shaped how they communicated with it, even though ...
In this review, we look at the different applications of microorganisms in food, and examine the history, state-of-the-art and potential to disrupt current foods systems. We cover both the use of microbes to produce whole foods out of their biomass and as cell factories to make highly ...
Therefore, the relationship between economic development and environmental pollution of a country cannot be accurately judged solely by the absolute level of economic development or the state of decoupling. A two-dimensional (2D) decoupling model is used to address the above issues (Kaifeng Wang et ...