Announced at Star Wars Celebration 2023, the new movie focuses on Rey’s journey after ‘The Rise of Skywalker.’ Directed by Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, it follows Rey as she endeavors to rebuild the Jedi Order. Originally, Damon Lindelof and Justin Britt-Gibson were slated to write the script...
A rough draft of the script completed in 1974 forms the basis ofThe Star Wars, an eight-issue miniseries released by Dark Horse Comics between September 2013 and May 2014. Written by J.W. Rinzler with art by Mike Mayhew, the comic is heavily inspired by original designs and concept art c...
There are only 3 people I personally know currently, that have read the entire script to STAR WARS EPISODE ONE: These are MILO, MORIARTY and Myself. And only Milo and Moriarty have copies. But I want to say right now, I am in complete agreement with Moriarty on his assessment of the ...
I have to be honest, that is a really cool shot, and it's especially cool that it is primarily derived from original artwork! Well done! If I were to make a recommendation, I would still do the fades as I suggested before. I would probably have the opening scroll ultimat...
but it feels like they were Star Wars films inspired by Star Wars films, more than they were inspired by the things that inspired Star Wars (which is something Mando nails) - and lack the same purposeful storytelling of the original trilogy and, yes, at times, even the prequel trilogy (...
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith was released on DVD on November 1, 2005 (in Canada and the United States). The DVD was a two-disc set that has picture and sound mastered from the original digital source material. It includes a new full-length documentary as well as two ...
That’s one of the gifts the original Star Wars gives so generously: When you watch the film the first time, you don’t know exactly what the Empire is trying to do. You know they want to control by fear and you know they want to take over, but you don’t really know all their...
The Academy Museum of Motion Pictures has unveiled its slate of public programming for the 2024 spring season, which will include a tribute and retrospective of the work of Marlon Brando, a May the 4th “Star Wars” celebration and a world premiere 4K restoration of “Amadeus,” among others...
Instead of simply trying to copy the originalStar Warsfilm (Episode IV),Empirehonors the spirit of its predecessor while simultaneously striking out to explore new ground. The spirit ofEpisode IVis honored in a variety of ways: We have the same main cast of characters, laser swords, outer spa...
Trivia:In the original script, Jango Fett appeared in the Geonosian meeting room withCount Dookuand the other leading Separatists (thatObi-Wanis looking down into), but was removed from the final cut because the filmmakers didn't want to immediately give away that Dooku was the villain. ...