-For years it was planned to make this story into a theatrical film, directed by George A. Romero. Stephen King did many drafts to make it of a suitable length for a feature film, and when he couldn't get it short enough they considered breaking it into two separate films before finall...
THE STANDis the new CBS All Access series adaptation of the Stephen King novel. And this time, the story does feel more relevant than ever. The cast of this new adaption is absolutely brilliant with amazing actors in even the smallest of roles. Read our fullThe Standseries review here! TH...
A big-screen adaptation of Stephen King’s epic post-apocalyptic novelThe Standhas been in the works for years now and emerged at various points in myriad forms — including standalone movies of different lengths, a trilogy, and so on. Now comes word that the latest plans for the pro...
Over 7K filmgoers have voted on the 55+ Best Stephen King Movies. Current Top 3: The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, Stand by Me
Firestarter's intriguing premise, intense visuals, and memorable performances have made it a standout entry in the realm of Stephen King adaptations. Actors: David Keith, Drew Barrymore, George C. Scott, Freddie Jones, Heather Locklear Released: 1984 Directed by: Mark L. Lester Also...
Related:Carrie: Why Stephen King Thinks The Movie's Ending Is Better Than His Book's However, Spacek wasn’t the first choice to play Carrie White nor the only one interested in the role, and many other actresses auditioned for it – and many of them went on to appear in bigger projec...
Corey Robin (2004) argues that political fear takes two forms (external and internal) and both allow political actors to pursue and consolidate power. This chapter tests this understanding through an analysis of Stephen King's The Stand. Analysis of the two cities that emerge from the ...
Plans for a big-screen adaptation of Stephen King’s 1978 novelThe Standhave been in the works for a while now and taken various forms throughout the development process, but the latest turn in the story’s path to theaters could be the most intriguing one yet. A new report suggests that...
Over 7K filmgoers have voted on the 55+ Best Stephen King Movies. Current Top 3: The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, Stand by Me
Over 7K filmgoers have voted on the 55+ Best Stephen King Movies. Current Top 3: The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, Stand by Me