It pairs so well with Catch the Fox or Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel. The full color pages can be used for distance learning / teletherapy, or print and store in page protectors. Black and white pages (printer-friendly) can be used for sending home as homework or printing out to use in the...
We are now in the design phase after I showed them great examples, such the Rube Goldberg device music video created by OK Go for their song “This Too Shall Pass” or Mark Rober’s squirrel mazes or the Wintergarten marble run music box machine. The students must show a 3D diagram of...
Continue Reading Create Pinterest Pin Squirrel's New Year's Resolution This charming tale gives New Year’s resolutions a delightful woodland twist. A lovable critter wants to create a meaningful resolution but isn’t sure where to start. Along the way, they encounter forest friends who inspir...
Well, the semester is coming to a close again. Two more weeks of class and then finals. My corn has grown pretty tall and survived a squirrel attack, and next weekend I should be able to plant it outside: April 30 is our average last frost date in my area. It's been a nice week...
Under the guidance of a wise foreman squirrel, your students will tackle 2×2 and 4×1 puzzles—key building blocks of multiplication. How it helps teachers:This interactive environment replaces repetitive drills with engaging tasks, so you can spend less time on basic practice and more time en...
Letter L Worksheets We created worksheets to help your child practice forming the upper- and lowercase letterLcorrectly. Ideally, letters should be formed from top to bottom and left to right with a continuous stroke when possible. The uppercaseLis formed as follows: down and across. The lowerc...
The word ‘squirrel’ has six sound buttons in all – and there are six sounds in the word, s-qu-i-rr-e-l. Some words, like ‘pumpkin’, just have dots, and no dashes: That’s because each letter in ‘pumpkin’ makes a sound on its own – there are seven letters and seven so...
Sing the song (to the tune of “You Are My Sunshine”) I am a squirrel, a little squirrel. I gather nuts when they fall from trees. In the winter, you’ll never find me Cause I’m warm in my home on cold days like these. ...
Repeat the above steps until all the animals are placed inside the bottle. By layering the rice and animals, they won’t all be in the same place. We included two foxes, a porcupine/hedgehog (hard to tell what it is!), squirrel, owl, and skunk. ...
That’s not to say that we’ve haven’t had fun with the books. He joyfully disregards my instructions to draw ONE cloud in the sky and ONE apple on the tree on the “one” page. The book says to colour the squirrel brown? “No, mommy, he wants to be purple.” Meh. I’m no...