Two spooky tales I enjoyed: “Fly By Night” by Janis Heppell and “The Watcher” by Hugh Roberts. Both had unexpected endings, which is always a treat. Highly recommended to fans who enjoy variety in their short-story reading, and to anyone interested in learning a bit about writing and...
Halloween 2020 was meant to be the perfect Halloween – it’s on a Saturday, which meant kids could trick or treat without the worries of waking up for school the next day. Also, it will be a full moon, which adds to the spooky atmosphere of the holiday. Unfortunately, the pandemic is...
The Essay: The Hand of Fate ; Douglas Kennedy Has Experienced Some Pretty Spooky Coincidences in His Time. Now He Wants to Know, Is Someone Up There Pulling the Strings, or Are These Life-Changing Moments Entirely Random?Kennedy, Douglas...
He called this "spooky action at a distance." As Feynman put the one mystery of the two-slit experiment, "The question now is, how does it really work? What machinery is actually producing this thing? Nobody knows any machinery." The Character of Physical Law, MIT Press, p.144 ...
Women are almost always taught to fear their own power, instead of embracing it or attempting to understand it. It’s sad to see that pattern repeating on a show that has so few leading women in the first place. “Caitlin’s journey – whether she ultimately keeps her powers or not –...
Also, the house is where I took this spooky photo. Even for Halloween decor, this was inspired. Hats off to the folks running Thurber House! Boleskine House, Loch Ness, Scotland Have you ever heard of Aleister Crowley? If you haven’t, he was a early 20th-century magician who dabbled...
The Quiet Mind: The Surprising Science of Doing Nothing Dr Joseph Jebelli A neuroscientist shows how the latest research suggests that doing nothing has a number of profound benefits for your brain and body. AgentCarrie Plitt The Coast Road ...
An ordinary citizen of this unnamed city-out-of-time is crossing the plaza on his way to the government building where he works when he is waylaid by a spooky guy I thought of vaguely as the Devil, or maybe a minor demon devoted to exploiting violent impulses in people. After that I ...
(Library Science & Bibliography) the principal library of Oxford University: a copyright deposit library [C17: named after Sir ThomasBodley(1545–1613), English scholar who founded it in 1602] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991...
The proud granddaughter of Irish immigrant miners, Hazel loves her job at the library, her spooky cat, her opinionated friends, vintage Mary Janes, and the little house she inherited. And she is determined to protect the historic legacy of her town. In spite of their differences and because ...