nature of spirituality for this sample population as beliefs with the added dimensions of connections to God/others/nature, spiritual feelings, beliefs about an afterlife, finding meaning in events, and beliefs about a higher being, along with the themes of spiritual awakening and spiritual ...
444 spiritual meaning.Waking up in the early morning, you saw further electronic clock three glowing four. Get to work, onboard a minibus with number 444, although you usually use a different transport. When the car stopped at the traffic light, your gaze accidentally slipped over the sign a...
图书The Spiritual Meaning of the Second and Fifth Voyage of Sinbad the Sailor - Pamphlet 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
Define Spiritual discernment. Spiritual discernment synonyms, Spiritual discernment pronunciation, Spiritual discernment translation, English dictionary definition of Spiritual discernment. n. 1. The act or process of exhibiting keen insight and good jud
图书The Spiritual Meaning of the Book of Job - Pamphlet 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
This paper explores the meaning of suffering from the spiritual perspective of Anthroposophy, which considers suffering as a powerful force in achieving the inner knowledge necessary for change and transformation. Representing the philosophy of recovery-oriented models, which emphasize healing through empowe...
1.To impart a spiritual nature to. 2.To invest with or treat as having a spiritual sense or meaning. spir′i·tu·al·i·za′tion(-ə-lĭ-zā′shən)n. spir′i·tu·al·iz′ern. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Hou...
In this guide, I’m going to explore the meaning of 222 in the context of the spiritual journey. While repeated numbers are usually associated with angels (aka., ‘angel numbers’), I’m taking a different, more psychospiritual approach for those who want a bit more of a down-to-earth...
Tom Tomorrow always nails it:MAGA House of Horror(October 28, 2024). Many of us, like the desert monks of Late Antiquity, are feeling the need to go on retreat from the public square, to hush the noise and attend the still small voice of holy wisdom. Our spiritual practices seem more...
Related:Sea Turtle Spiritual Meaning 4. Judaism (The Six-Pointed Star) The six-pointed star is one of the oldest signs in Christianity, and most people will recognize it as the Star of David, the ultimate symbol of Judaism. However, the roots of the star as a spiritual symbol go back ...