238), paradoxes, contradictory and oscillating sentiments, Ibn ‘Arabi describes a spiritual journey along a path that introduces the traveler step by step to a sacred vision of the cosmos that unifies the multiple dimensions of being in a search for the Eternal Feminine: Wisdom. The tracks, ...
"According to most of the great Eastern spiritual traditions, our inner awareness/energy, or consciousness, is actually a limited, contracted form of the great Awareness/energy that underlies, creates, and sustains all things. The Upanishads call it Brahman, the Vastness. The sages of Kashmir Sha...
"Dear Michael, Always your site is there when one is in need for substantial advise on spiritual matters. I am browsing your whole site in search of a good video on Qigong, particularly, the "Eight pieces of silk brocade". As the offer is so wide and is hard to recognize who is a ...
"Wilderness has been characterized as barren and unproductive; little can be grown in its sand and rock. But the crops of wilderness have always been its spiritual values -- silence and solitude, a sense of awe and gratitude -- able to be harvested by any traveler who visits." - David D...