which gives to the Chinese type of humanity, to the real Chinaman, his inexpressible gentleness.The Chinese people, I say, have the power of sympathy because they live wholly a life of the heart a life of emotion or human affection.But the wonderful peculiarity of the Chinese...
^ ft" HE obj ect of this book is an attempt to interpret the * -* spirit and show the value of the Chinese civilisation. Now in order to estimate the value of a civilisation, it seems to me, the question we must finally ask is not what great cities, what magnificent houses, what ...
"We want to convey the idea that for Chinese people, the dragon is not evil, but represents prosperity and kindness," Wang Hairu, Deputy Director of the Beijing Overseas Cultural Exchange Center (BOCEC), told Beijing Review. Speaking about the differences in the world's understanding ofdragons...
I like the spirit of the first-named nobleman. Titles not costing much in the Roman territory, he has had the head clerk of the banking-house made a Marquis, and his Lordship will screw a BAJOCCO out of you in exchange as dexterously as any commoner could do. It is a comfort to ...
Lucian W. Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics[M].Cambridge,Mass.:The M.I.T.Press,1968.PYE L. The spirit of Chinese politics [ M]. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1968.Lucian W. Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics[M].Cambridge,Mass.:The M.I.T.Press 1968....
Renowned worldwide, Poetic Remarks on the Human World collects the classic Chinese poems in Chinese history to vividly illustrate that we have three levels in spirit realm.Before one studies Zen, mountains are mountains;a...
This not just contravenes the spirit of democracy, but also spells disaster for democracy.◆美式民主是建立在资本基础上的“富人游戏”,金钱政治贯穿美国选举、立法、施政的所有环节,实际上限制了民众的参政权利,经济地位的不平等已经转变为政治地位的不平等。据统计,91%的美国国...
The Spirit of the Chinese People Ku Huang Ming. 外语教学与研究出版社 49 The Chinese Painted by Themselves Tcheng Ki Tong 贵州人民出版社 50 The Death of the Heart Elizabeth Bowen Vintage Books 51 The Way of All Flesh Samuel Butler
Even the Chinese philosopher was wise enough to regard the individual as the basis of the empire. Is a democracy, such as we know it, the last improvement possible in government? Is it not possible to take a step further towards recognizing and organizing the rights of man? There will ...