believers in Christ. Authority is real, and it can take over and shift us from a posture of defense to offense mode. This is the choice we are faced with every day – we can fight on our power when challenges come our way or, let the Power of the Holy Spirit fight on our behalf....
"I don't take no offense 'cept a bust in the nose," said Joad. "What did you figger?" "I figgered about the Holy Sperit and the Jesus road. I figgered, 'Why do we got to hang it on God or Jesus? Maybe,' I figgered, 'maybe it's all men an' all women we love; mayb...
The entire thought runs from 15:18 through 16:32. But because of the richness of these chapters, we'll break this lesson arbitrarily into two parts so you can consider it carefully. We'll spend most of our time in these two lessons examining what Jesus teaches about the Holy Spirit. ...
It is the spirit of the people that unites them or divides them, not their governments, their teachers or even their parents. Of course whoever created us would know what's best for mankind. Our Creator knows the path that we should follow to create good health and lasting happiness, ...
3.ConfessionIn some Christian churches, the sacrament of Penance. 4.A statement made acknowledging guilt of an offense. 5.An avowal of belief in the doctrines of a particular faith; a creed. 6.A church or group of worshipers adhering to a specific creed. ...
In the gospel of John, the Baptist also sees this manifestation and affirms that Jesus is the Son of God who will baptize people with the Holy Spirit. Depending on the account, this beginning of ministry unfolds further in Jesus’s temptation in the wilderness, where he rejects all power,...
The spirit souls attached to material life, cannot easily comprehend spiritual attachment, nor can they have any experience of it. In reality, it is the souls true function and eternal nature. However, we have become engrossed in attachment to matter which causes us to forget, that we are ac...
“Not until college, really, did I come out of my shell.” It was a passion for woodwinds that liberated her spirit. Proficient in both the flute and the bassoon, the self-described band nerd joined campus music groups and connected with peers through a shared love of music. In the ...
It can also involve complex scholarly exegesis, the sort of interpretive “science” that decodes the fourfold meaning of Scripture in Biblical hermeneutics or the enigma of Kafka’s The Castle in twentieth-century literary criticism. The second element of spatial reading I want to emphasize is ...
As you pray, the Holy Spirit will soften the stony heart and bring to the surface any rocks of offense, painful memories, or hard-to-break habits so they can be easily removed. Father, I thank you that ___’s heart is in Your hand; turn it like rivers of water towards Your will....