内容提示: 6/9/2006 The Speed of Trust 1 © 2004-2006 CoveyLink The SPEED of Trust [Subtitle to be determined] By Stephen M. R. Covey With Rebecca R. Merrill © 2006 CoveyLink 文档格式:PDF | 页数:52 | 浏览次数:772 | 上传日期:2009-03-09 18:25:32 | 文档星级: ...
The Speed of Trust summaries(信任的速度摘要).pdf,THE SPEED OF TRUST The One Thing That Changes Everything STEPHEN M. COVEY STEPHEN M. COVEY is cofounder and CEO of CoveyLink Worldwide, a learning and consulting practice. He is the former CEO of Covey
During his career, Covey also was the vice-chairman of Franklin Covey Corporation and according to many, one of the greatest authors of several self-help guide books including: “First Thing First” and “The seven habits of highly effective people” “The Speed of Trust.” Rebecca Merrillwas...
信任的速度:一个可以改变一切的力量 [The Speed of Trust:The One Thing That Changes Everything] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 具体描述 编辑推荐 联想全球高管的RED宝书。 因为信任,所以简单。简单是一种速度。 信任不仅是一种无形的美德,更是一个有形的经济推动力,是一项可以通过学习掌握的、可测量的技...
"The Speed of Trust" by Stephen M.R. Covey is a book that emphasizes the importance of trust in personal and professional relationships, and how it directly impacts organizational success. Covey argues that trust is not just a nice-to-have trait but a critical and measurable factor that can...
The Speed of Trust: The One Thing That Changes Everything(英版) 信任的速度: 可以改变一切的一件事 [平装] From Stephen R. Covey's eldest son come a revolutionary book that will guide business leaders, public figures and their organizations towards unprecedented... Stephen R. Covey - The Spee...
In the readable and riveting style of The Tipping Point , Stephen M.R. Covey uncovers the overlooked and underestimated power of trust in a page-turning look into what he calls "the one thing that changes everything ." A groundbreaking and paradigm-shifting book, The Speed of Trust challenge...
The-Speed-of-Trust TheSpeedofTrust BasedonthebookbyStephenMRCovey 1 Introduction Trustmeansconfidence.Whenwetrustpeople,wehaveconfidenceinthem–intheirintegrityandintheirabilities.Whenwedistrustpeople,wearesuspiciousofthem.Thedifferencebetweenhighandlow-trust relationshipsispalpable!Inahigh-trustrelationship,wecan...
The article reviews the book "The Speed of Trust: Why Trust Is the Ultimate Determinant of Success or Failure in Your Relationships, Career, and Life," by Stephen M. R. Covey.RenfroLib.CrystalLib.EBSCO_bspLibrary Journal
Merrill合著的《信任的速度》(The Speed of Trust),提出信任是一个足以改变一切的力量。因为信任,所以简单,而简单就是一种速度。 信任是一种美德。这样的人会使人产生沟通交流的欲望,给人以可以信赖的安全感。其实,信任他人,就是信任自己,无论是追求事业成功,还是追求生活美满,只要真诚地对待他人,就可以打开对方...