amazon-web-services之CloudFront + S3网站: "The specified key does not exist" when an implicit index document should be displayed 我刚刚将一个静态网站部署到 Amazon S3,当前可以在此处查看: 如果您单击任何文章链接,您会注意到以下错误: S3...
This endpoint looks like if you activate it, and carries an additional usage charge for most requests since you are using more of the AWS network and less of the public Internet... but, that is a difference in the behi...
After that I have a lambda trigger attached to S3:ObjectCreated event. When the lambda is executed I am trying to get the file viaS3.getObject()function. Unfortunately sometimes I am receiving "NoSuchKey: The specified key does not exist:" error. After that lambda retries ...
Describe the bug When executing s3.getObject() on a file key with special characters such as = or %, I always get an error saying The specified key does not exist, even when using encodeURI or encodeURIComponent. Expected Behavior Retrie...
aws --endpoint-url http://localhost:9090 s3 ls bucket-1 isnt showing anything other than: NodeJS aws-sdk's AWS.S3.putObject is always throwing "NoSuchBucket: The specified bucket does not exist" (with the server printing "Responding with status 404: The specified bucket does not exist.")...
1回答 NoSuchKey:指定的密钥在AWS S3代码版本中不存在 、、 34 Waiting for agent pingNoSuchKey: The specifiedkey does not exist.status code: 404, request id: , host id: = for primary source 源提供者: Amazon: S3 object key: 浏览144提问于2020-09-03得票数 1 回答已采纳 ...
For more information on service-specific endpoints, see Using endpoints in the AWS CLI.If your profile has role-based credentials configured through a source_profile parameter for IAM assume role functionality, the SDK only uses service configurations for the specified profile. It does not use ...
The "aws --version" command returns a version after uninstalling the AWS CLI The AWS CLI processed a command with an incomplete parameter name Access denied errors Invalid credentials and key errors Signature does not match errors SSL certificate errors Invalid JSON errors Additional resourcesGeneral...
Databricks needs access to a cross-account service IAM role in your AWS account so that Databricks can deploy clusters in the appropriate VPC for the new workspace. If such a role does not yet exist, seeCreate an IAM role for workspace deploymentto create an appropriate role and policy for ...
Aws::S3::S3Client s3Client;Aws::String presignedPutUrl=s3Client->GeneratePresignedUrlWithSSEC(“BUCKET_NAME”,“KEY_NAME”,HttpMethod::HTTP_PUT,“BASE64_ENCODED_AES256_KEY”); C++ To actually use generated S3 presigned URLs with SSE programmatically in your project requires a little b...