If your system can’t find the device you’re trying to connect with, it might not be connected properly. Even if you think it’s plugged in, remove the USB cable connected to the device and plug it back in. You should wait until you hear the “chime” that lets you know it’s c...
这是因为,你cmd窗口的编码格式不对,如果我没猜错的话,你cmd窗口的编码是utf-8,或者其他,你试试运行 chcp 936 (这条命令是将cmd的编码改为GBK编码),这样应该就可以解决你的问题。附:(1)输入chcp 可以查看cmd的编码 (2)常见编码编号:65001 :utf-8 20936 : GB2312 936 : GB...
(1)输入chcp 可以查看cmd的编码 (2)常见编码编号: 65001 :utf-8 20936 : GB2312 936 : GBK 437 :美国英语 (3)修改cmd的编码: chcp XXXX(编码编号) 1、右键点击Bat批处理,选择编辑,然后打开,重新另存为 编码选择ANSI 即可。若以别的方式(如UTF-8)编辑了批处理,转换成ANSI格式即可; 2、下面是保存后文件...
Error: Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permission to access the item Resolution To resolve this issue, follow the steps in the methods below starting with method...
When starting or installing any Autodesk software, the following error is displayed: Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item. An antivirus or firewall may block...
1、修改注册表,在开始运行regedit.exe进入注册表,找到下面的地方 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console\%SystemRoot%_system32_cmd.exe,找到CodePage键值(没有的话新建),将其值更改为936(十进制),936代表简体中文,如下图所示 2、在cmd里面运行chcp命令,查看代码也是否更改成936,如下图所示,更改成功后再次...
“How do I fix windows cannot access the specified device file?” After you have downloaded the software when you execute/open a program/file, an error message jumps out: Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the it...
Once in the device manager, expand the category according to your case, find the device, right-click it anduninstall. When prompted, also delete its drivers. Restart your computer after this operation and see if the error “The specified module could not be found” still pops up. Also, do...
Was this method unsuitable for you? Then fix the “Windows cannot access the specified device” using one of the other methods described below. Method 2. Turn off third-party antivirus (temporarily) As mentioned above, antivirus programs can perform too well and lead to errors. ...