In specific circumstances, various Group Policy Object (GPO) security policies might limit the connection. For example, theMicrosoft network client policy: "Digitally sign communications"should be ensured that both source and target hosts can communicate using this policy. If not, consider disabling th...
"The configuration information describing this enterprise is not available" 2008 r2 while opening active directory domain and trusts "The home folder could not be created because the network name cannot be found" error in AD users and computers "The program cannot open the required dialog box bec...
Oddly the fix above is working and available but very temporary. In one of the situations, in my experience, if a machine that is not in the domain (maybe there are guests on that part of the network) and the windows machine on the domain, are both connected (with or without the SMB...
For that reason, we always recommend to install the wireless driver provided by the manufacturer of the computer, since that driver was customized by them to work with your specific platform. I looked on MSI's website, and even though they have some drivers available for Windows*...
On the AR router of the headquarters, configure a specific route and specify the IP address of the peer interface on the carrier's device as the next-hop address. [AR2] ip route-static [AR2] quit Verification Run the display ip interface brief Cellular 1...
You use the name parameter on the PrincipalContext constructor in order to provide the name of the specific directory to connect to. This can be the name of a specific server, machine, or domain. It's important to note that if this parameter is null, AccountManagement will attempt to determi...
If a specific Wi-Fi network cannot be found, use another phone/tablet to search for the Wi-Fi network, and troubleshoot the issue based on the following: 1. The Wi-Fi network still cannot be found on other devices. 1.1 Check whether the Wi-Fi router works properly. If the router has...
When a 600 mm deep cabinet or rack is used, the front and rear doors must be single-swing ones. Vertical space To facilitate power cable routing, the cabinet or rack must have sufficient vertical space for device installation. The vertical space requirements specific to different chassis are ...
nullThe application name, or "Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server" if no name is provided. Used to identify the specific application in various SQL Server profiling and logging tools. authentication String NotSpecified(Version 6.0+) This optional property indicates which authentication method to use...
For your information, we just wanted to let you know that all 5Ghz in China SKUs are set to Passive, these are not allowed for SoftAP operation by our Intel® NIC and this specific OTP/NVM. That is actually the reason why you cannot open a 5GHz frequency band for the ...