The Spanish Princess: Fever Dream Fever Dream 0:26 The Spanish Princess: Flodden Flodden 0:27 The Spanish Princess: The Battle For Harry The Battle for Harry 0:15 The Spanish Princess: Season 2 Teaser The Spanish Princess 0:27 The Spanish Princess: Destiny Destiny 0:28 The Spanish Princess...
这里有一份不错的资源 点击[西班牙公主 第一季 The Spanish Princess Season 1 2019]即可获取~ 你觉得这个资源能帮到你不,要是还有其他资源需求,尽管告诉我哦~
1517 – June 1519. When the plague hits London, the court flees to Hampton Court, but Maggie and Thomas More remain in an empty and surprisingly romantic palace.
状态:8集全 别名:TheSpanishPrincessPart2 类型: 主演:夏洛特·霍普乔芝·韩莉赛·班尼特安德鲁·巴肯MiloCallaghan 导演:ChanyaButton 首播时间:2020-10-11 集数时长:共8集 | 每集45分钟 语言字幕:国语对白 中文字幕 国家地区:美国 更新时间:2024-07-05 09:51:09 ...
西班牙公主 1-2季 The Spanish Princess (2019-2020)O网页链接《西班牙公主》主角为阿拉贡的凯瑟琳(Catherine of Aragon,Charlotte Hope饰演),漂亮﹑聪明﹑出身自西班牙王室的她因为政治婚姻,带着摩尔人女官Lina来到英格兰嫁给威尔士亲王亚瑟,成为威尔士王妃。然而二人尚未洞房,亚瑟就因病去世。阿拉贡的凯瑟琳声称自己尚为处...
《西班牙公主》1-2季预告合集#阿拉贡的凯瑟琳#西班牙公主#凯特王妃#TheSpanishPrincess #夏洛特霍普 《白王后》(The White Queen)及《白公主》(The White Princess)的姐妹篇限定剧《西班牙公主》(The Spanish Princess),由Charlot te Hope饰演女主角。该剧根据菲莉帕·格里高利所著的小说《The Constant Princess》及《...
June 1520. A great gathering in France is the backdrop to a political stand-off between Catherine and Wolsey, while in London, riots happen.
Newphotosshow Georgie Henley (Lucy inThe Chronicles of Narnia) in the second season ofThe Spanish Princess, which premieres October 11 on Starz. She plays Princess Meg Tudor. (Trailer) Georgie is currently 25, which is three years older than Queen Lucy inThe Horse and His Boy. (Character age...
Samuel Simand Chris Egan have composed the score to the latest season of ‘The Spanish Princess’ which returns to Starzplay and Amazon Prime from the 11th October. ‘The Spanish Princess’ continues the story of Queen Catherine and Henry VIII. Presiding over the most glamorous court in Europe...