爱尔兰国歌《战士之歌》中文译唱-Irish National Anthem“The Soldier’s Song”Chinese version尤莉娅_夏尔戴特Channel 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 3054 4 02:36 App "喀秋莎" · Katyusha in Chinese 1782 0 02:20 App 【爱尔兰/九年战争】奥唐奈万岁-O'Donnell Abú! 265 0 02:08 ...
Spanish / Español Select a language: (ˈneiʃən)noun 1.a group of people living in a particular country, forming a single political and economic unit.nación 2.a large number of people who share the same history, ancestors, cultureetc(whether or not they all live in the same cou...
The article reports on the release of the national anthem "Nuestro-Himno," a Spanish version of the national anthem in the U.S. U.S. President George W. Bush publicly criticized the release of the song, saying that the anthem is better sung in English than in Spanish. The USA Today/...
Spanish / Español Select a language: himno anthem [ˈænθəm]N→himnom(Rel) →antífonaf see alsonationalC Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 200...
Do you know which country has the longest national anthem? Read on to find out some interesting facts!
世界各国国歌歌名(The name of National Anthem of the world)and 阿尔巴尼亚《旗之赞歌》 hymni and flamurit 阿尔巴尼亚语 阿尔及利亚《誓言》? ?? ?? 阿拉伯语 阿富汗《阿富汗国歌》? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 普什图语 ·阿富汗共和国 (1973年至1978年) 《阿富汗共和国国歌》普什图语 ·阿富汗民主共和...
Written from his perspective, the anthem follows William in his struggle to both remain loyal to the Spanish King, but also to serve God and lead his people in the fight against persecution. The lyrics were written at the beginning of the Eighty Years’ War, or The Netherl...
I love the National Anthems of France and the USA as well! It's just that the Spanish Royal Anthem is so majestic, regal, and powerful sounding! I have probably listened to at least a hundred national anthems. It's a subject that really interests me. The Spanish anthem is the best of...
HowmuchdoyouknowaboutCanada?Nowlet’shaveaquizandseehowmuchyouknowaboutCanada.QuizB.1.WhichisthenationalflagofCanada?A. C.D.2.Whatlanguage(s)doCanadiansspeak?A.English.B.EnglishandGerman.C.EnglishandFrench.D.EnglishandSpanish.3.WhatisthecapitalofCanada?A. B. Vancouver(温哥华) Toronto(多伦多)C....