and Queen Isabella that guarded the orthodoxy of Catholicism in Spain (especially from the 15th to the 17th centuries); "the Spanish Inquisition was administered by both civil and church authorities which gave it ultimate power"; "Torquemada was the inquisitor general for the Spanish Inquisition" ...
Inquisition (ˌɪnkwɪˈzɪʃən) n (Roman Catholic Church) history a judicial institution of the Roman Catholic Church (1232–1820) founded to discover and suppress heresy. See also Spanish Inquisition Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © Harpe...
His reign also saw the final political eclipse of the Spanish Inquisition, precipitated by its intervention in the succession crisis. When Charles changed his will in favour of Philip in 1700, the Inquisitor General Baltasar de Mendoza y Sandoval, an ally of Maria Anna, arrested his personal con...
In the same year, in their zeal to achieve religious unity, the Catholic rulers expelled the Jews from Spain. Until 1492 the Jews and the Muslims had been allowed to live in reconquered territory. From the time of the SpanishInquisition(1478), however, attempts at conversion were made more...
Jews were the other big community in Seville during Moorish times and around 5,000 of them lived in the Santa Cruz Quarter until they were expelled during the Spanish Inquisition in the 15th century. Today Santa Cruz is a popular tourist area with narrow lanes, shops and restaurants. Palacio...
The Spanish Inquisition is the subject of elaborate Protestant and anti-Catholic exaggeration and invention, resulting in a mythos with almost no basis in fact. The Catholic Church committed mass murder in Europe, wiping out thousands, even millions of people (as many as 50 million) who voiced ...
The Spanish Inquisition was instituted by the staunchly Roman Catholic Habsburg rulers in my homeland of Flanders. Your beloved Church, my dear, backed the Inquisition. Perhaps you should be grateful to those Protestant heretics because without them there would never have been such a strong impulse...
Wikipedia Architecture, particularly in those areas of the American continents that have been subject to Spanish influence; greatly affected by local culture, customs, traditions, and availability of materials. Spanish Colonial architecture in the American southwest usually is typified by thick, solid ado...
Go to the wikipedia page for the Jewish “Duke Nasi” who fled the Spanish Inquisition to Muslim Instanbul (Ottoman empire) – the wiki page PRACTICALLY GLOATS that Duke Nasi PLAYED A MAJOR ROLE in the Ottoman CONQUEST, RAPE, PILLAGE & MASSACRES at the fall of Constantinopole… ...
but rather as well-to-do burghers of Antwerp, where the painting was made. At the time, Antwerp had grown with the influx of many southern immigrants fleeing theSpanish Inquisition. Among this international community there was a demand for money-changers and money-lenders, as international comme...