(单项选择题)(每题 1.00 分) The Spanish Flu Epidemic If you’re worried about the possibility of a coming bird flu epidemic, you can take comfort in the fact that humanity has survived a similar influenza epidemic in the past. Starting its rounds at the end of World War I,the 1918 flu...
The Spanish flu epidemic in the press: health and education in the cities of Rio de Janeiro and So Paulo (Brazil) in the years 1918–1919ABSTRACTSnia CamaraAriadne Lopes Ecar
However, because Spain wasn’t at war with any country, newspapers were free to report the epidemic’s effects in Spain, such as the serious illness of King Alfonso XIII. These stories created a false impression of Spain as especially hard hit. This gave rise to the name ‘Spanish flu’....
States.However,because Spain wasn't at war with any country,newspapers were free to report the epidemic's(疫情)effects in Spain,such as the serious illness of King Alfonso XIII.These stories created a false impression of Spain as especially hard hit.This gave rise to the name 'Spanish flu'...
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It's an EpidemicExploring plagues and pandemics throughout history. Photo: Thomas Carter Wikimedia Commons Public Domain How The 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic Actually Ended Melissa Sartore July 16, 2020253.6K views12 items Identifying the end of a pandemic isn't as straightforward as it may sound...
D. Ann Herring and Lisa Sattenspiel Death in Winter: Spanish Flu in the Canadian Subarctic 11. Beatriz Echeverri Spanish Influenza seen from Spain 12. Patrick Zylberman A Holocaust in a Holocaust: The Great War and the 1918 'Spanish' Influenza Epidemic in France 13. Andrew Noymer and ...
“lifetime a firm believer in the policy of the protective tariff”, and again, as a doctor, he felt obliged to mention the importance of protection for coal-tar products, of which Phenacetin “was found to be of almost priceless value in the treatment of the late epidemic of influenza”...
Epidemic Histories in East Asia 本文概述了有关东亚流行病史的最新文献,主要关注现代和当代中国,但也对有关韩国和日本流行病的英文学术研究进行了一些讨论。该领域的主要研究方向包括:地方和区域史、疾病传记、公共卫生运动史、全球联系以及文化表征。论文认为,对流行病的研究对于有关东亚现代性、国家转型、后帝国公民...
the Spanish flu and to characterize the proportional distribution of influenza deaths by age in the capital cities of these countries.Results French and American troops who fought in the First World War began to be affected from April 1918 onwards by a benign influenza epidemic, which hardly ...