the voids between which are to a greater or lesser extent occupied by water .The physical properties of the soil will depend on the nature of these particles, the proportion that the volume of voids present. In considering the suitability of a soil 自然发生的土壤将包括固体物料微粒,空隙在之间...
Moreover, we show how cutting processes may be investigated using a smoothed particle hydrodynamic based simulation approach for elasto-plastic solids. Finally, we provide examples for the application of smoothed particle hydrodynamic fluid-multibody simulations to co-simulate sloshing processes.Peter ...
In a radical Voronoi tessellation, the space between particles is partitioned based on radical planes, i.e., the planes formed between pairs of particles for which the tangent lines from a point in the plane to both particles are of equal length. Voronoi tessellations can be implemented in ...
Environmental exposure enhances the internalization of microplastic particles into cells. Sci. Adv. 6, eabd1211 (2020). Article CAS Google Scholar Deloid, G. M. et al. Incineration-generated polyethylene micro-nanoplastics increase triglyceride lipolysis and absorption in an in vitro small ...
\kern-\nulldelimiterspace} r} $$ (12) where \(u_{{\text{r}}}\) is radial displacement. Because the radial deformation of the silo wall is the same as that of the granular particles near silo wall, the strains are the same for the silo wall and the granular particles, which ...
A theoretical model for the charging of solid particles through their collisions with the pipe wall in gas-solids pipe flow is discussed. The model is based both on a flow adopted from the fluid mechanics and on the electrification model adopted from the electrodynamics. Particular attention is ...
"SUBSTANTIALLY DRY (O) POLYMER PARTICLES AND AGGLOMERATES, SOLUBLE IN WATER OR INTUMESCIBLE IN WATER, AND, PROCESS FOR TREATING SUSPENDED SOLIDS". Processes for spray-drying dispersions, water-in-oil emulsion or water-in-oil microemulsion, containing vinyl-added polymer, water-soluble or water-swe...
Altogether, bioaccumulation is expected to prevail in shallow, bog-like wetlands and waterlogged anaerobic soils or sediments with low flow velocities allowing for adequate contact time between contaminated water and plant (roots) where metal uptake and fixation is correlated with soil-sediment ...
In natural systems, fines may be precipitated solids (e.g., plutonium), soil materials (e.g., clay), and biological materials (e.g., viruses or bacteria) (Mays, 2005). Because fine particles can stay in suspensions in porous media for a long time due to the small settling velocity, ...
The solids used in the HE experiments was prepared by first low energy grinding of the sediment in air. Hence, an equivalent amount of H2O2 to that produced in LE experiments might also be expected to contribute to H2O2 production. Even taking this into account, alongside any further potential...