The Southern Oscillation index (SOI) can yield information about subsequent streamflows on the South Island of New Zealand; however, the relationship between streamflow and SOI may be nonlinear and heteroscedastic. To deal with such difficulties, the conditional probability of streamflow's being below...
SOISouthern Oscillation Indexlinear regressionsAD 1959 to 1998Eastern HemisphereWestern Hemisphereboreal summerIn this research, the zonal asymmetry of the southern annular mode, or the Antarctic Oscillation (AAO), is studied. It is indicated that apparent zonal asymmetry exists in the normalized sea ...
Warm El Nio-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events, indicated by large negative values of the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), are significantly correlated with decreases in the frequency of strong and violent tornadoes (Fujita scale F2 to F5) between February and July in two regions of the south-...
This study examines the variability of the southwest Western Australian (SWWA) shelf and nearshore wind wave climate and its relationship to southern hemisphere climate variability represented by various atmospheric indices: the southern oscillation index (SOI), the Southern Annular Mode (SAM), the ...
Madhuri N. Kulkarni & Devendraa Siingh Like the southern oscillation index (SOI) based on the pressure difference between Tahiti (17.5°S, 150°W) and Darwin (12.5°S, 130°E), we propose the new atmospheric electrical index (AEI) taking the difference in the model calculated ...
Summer precipitation trends and teleconnections with global sea-surface temperatures (SST) and the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) from 1961 to 2010 were investigated by Mann-Kendall test and Pearson product-moment correlation analysis. The results show that the northwest part (Zone 1) had a non-...
To represent the most important sources of inter-annual global and hemispheric natural climate variability, we consider the following indices52,53,54,55,56: the AMO, the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), the NAO, the PDO and the Arctic Oscillation (AO). We filter out the impacts of some ...
The evolution of the Southern Oscillation was divided into three phases: LSOI (low Southern Oscillation index phase, that includes ENSO events), NSOI (neutral SOI phase), and HSOI (high SOI phase that includes La Nia-SO events). The following are the criteria defining the three phases of ...
The used climate indices were the Oceanic Niño Index (ONI), the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), the Pacific Decadal Oscillation index (PDO), and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation index (AMO), downloaded from the NOAA’s website [50]. Linear trends were estimated using the slopes of ...
NEC North Equatorial Current NECC North Equatorial Counter Current QSW Quasi-Stationary Wave SEC South Equatorial Current SLA Sea Level Anomalies SOI Southern Oscillation Index SSH Sea Surface Height SSN Sunspot Number SST Sea Surface Temperature