Some words imitate the sounds made by the things they describe, like “buzz” or “hiss”, which is called onomatopoeia (拟声词). But what if the way a word sounds could arouse some other feature of an object, like its shape? Marcus Perlman, a lecturer at the University of Birmingham...
We humans are good at understanding othersfeelings from the sounds they make. A baby’slaugh tells us at once that she is happy. Similarly,we have no trouble knowing that a dog's energeticbark is a sound of joy.In fact, the earlier studies have shown thatwe're good at telling the dif...
这首《The Sounds Of Silence》是美国男声双重唱组合Simon & Garfunkel演唱的《毕业生》的插曲。旋律飘缓低迷,歌词充满了一种幻觉般的意境。细细听来,仿佛在诉说着年轻无助的一种宣泄。 六月的毕业季,无数的毕业生如同Ben一样迷茫彷徨,不知...
第6句:Smartphone apps already exist that will identify birds, bats or mammals simply by listening to the sounds they make. ① Translation: 目前已有智能手机应用,能够仅凭倾听它们的叫声来识别鸟类、蝙蝠或哺乳动物。 ② Relatively difficult words and phrases: identify [aɪˈdɛntɪfaɪ],识别...
At that time he had not understood their language, if by LANGUAGE might be dignified the uncouth sounds they made to represent ideas. View in context Still ignorant of the fate of those who had trusted to the aid of the swift current, he at first listened intently to any signal or sounds...
1阅读理解声音与情感We humans are good at understanding others'feelings from the sounds they make. A baby's laugh tells us atonce that he is happy. Similarly, we have no trouble knowing that a dog's energetic bark is a sound of joy.In fact, the earlier studies have shown that we're ...
【题目】We humans are good at understanding others'feelings from the sounds they make. A baby's laugh tells us at once that she is happy. Similarly,we have no trouble knowing that a dog's energetic bark is a sound of joy.In fact, the earlier studies have shown that we're good at ...
[B]possible,[C] clear和make只能形成make it possible/clear that 的形式,如,His diligence made it possible that he could win the game.他的勤奋使得他比赛获胜成为可能。She makes it clear to us that she wants to be master in her own house.她使我们很清楚地了解到,她要自主处理自己的事情。1...
They can discriminate all the sounds of all languages, no matter what country we're testing and what language we're using, and that's remarkable because you know, I can't do that. We're culture-bound listeners. We can discriminate the sounds of our own language, but not those of forei...
“Do you know?” he said, in his jolliest voice. “I heard of a little boy who made so much fuss when he had his hair cut that nobody was ever able to cut it. It grew so long,that the boy couldn’t see where he was...