1、The Sound of Poetry Basic Sound Principles nResonance designates the ability of a vibration to reach out through waves to set off a similar vibration in another bodynPhysics sound vibrations are connected to the vibrations of atoms and molecules in the airnLife is composed of atoms which con...
The Sounds of Poetry: A Brief Guide.Longenbach, James
The Art of Chinese Poetry (James Liu 1966) Chinese characters: 1.Six principles of the formation of Chinese characters: Imitating the form 象形, pointing at the things 指事, Understanding the meaning 會意, harmonizing the sounds 諧聲, mutually defining轉注,... 评分☆☆☆ 本书是刘若愚像西方读...
Marcel Proust, Le Temps retrouvé (the final installment of In Search of Lost Time, in the original French) These are just a handful of the thousands of books entering the public domain in 2023. There is a lot to celebrate: a modernist masterpiece, poetry from the Harlem Renaissance, child...
The criticism of the amusements was part of the struggle between the “high” culture of the elite and the “low” culture of the common people, manifest in dichotomies like theater versuskometiia, concerts versus street singers, and poetry versus chapbook songs. Alternative forms of entertainment...
The 13th letter of the modern English alpha- bet. 2. Any of the speech sounds represented by the letter m. 3. The 13th in a series. m 2 abbr. 1. Also M . Printing. Em. 2. Physics. Mass. 3. Meter (measurement). 4. Also M . Physics. Modulus....
Occasionally I come across articles and blog posts worth keeping close at hand: how to’s, poetry, inspiration, information, and more. (I need to create an index for this section too!) WORD OF THE YEAR Sometimes I participate in this practice of prayerfully choosing a word to focus on ...
false dependencies and hollow illusions until we are able to entrust ourselves wholly to Divine Mercy and nothing else. None of these options is a get-out-of-suffering card, but they are the kinds of things that clarify how real and urgent our faith, hope and love need to be these days...
This essay examines the ways in which the American poet Charles Olson, and the German-speaking Romanian Jewish poet Paul Celan, each in relation to specific post-war cultural circumstances, experimented with new ways of structuring poetry in relation to
Analysis of Poem: 'The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock' by T.S. Eliot "Preludes": The Keynote of Eliot's Poetry Sylvia Plath's "Morning Song" Gwendolyn Brooks' "a song in the front yard"