structure, and musical expression with movement. The ultimate goal is to develop total cognitive and kinesthetic awareness through sound. The music acts as a stimulus to which the body responds, after which sensation returns to the brain to form emotions, which deepens the significance of...
Toning – Inhale through your nose and then vocalize a single sound such as Om. As you vocalize the lower sound, feel the vibration in your throat, chest and even going down to the abdomen. Let each toning exhalation last for about 6 to 7 seconds and then inhale through your nose. Cont...
From the perspective of complex systems, combining the synergistic theory and role identity theory to reveal the internal mechanism of knowledge mobilization in community of practice, it is of great theoretical value and practical significance to solve the problems of role positioning and identity cognit...
Children’s identity with parents mediated the relationship between parents’ femininity rearing and children’s social adjustment (see Fig.1). This suggests that PCGA can not only directly influence children’s social adjustment, but can also exert a positive influence through identity as a mediator...
material that diffuses light, scattering the rays to create a softer quality. Typically placed between the light source and the subject, diffusers can be made of both hard and soft materials. They can also be both commercially produced or homemade with things found around the house or studio....
Theory and algorithm design of RC systems The core idea of RC is to design and use a dynamical system as reservoir that adaptively generates signal basis according to the input data and combines them in some optimal way to mimic the dynamic behavior of a desired process. Under this angle, ...
2Yet when we try to build relationships, we expect that people will think like we do. In this way, it is so much easier to create a friendly relationship. However, while we may find it initially easier, the novelty of sameness soon would wear off. So accepting that we are all differe...
The musical structure of Bach’s Goldberg Variations plays an important role in expressing Bach’s inner emotional feelings. In this piece, based on the tonality, the contrast of the harmonic structure between each variations and the theme can give us different sound effects, so what is conveyed...
This relationship was significant in all models, emphasising that female students tended to produce higher-quality handwritten compositions. The time dedicated to teaching spelling at the classroom level did not show a significant effect on handwriting compositional quality in any of the models. ...
Enlightenment hegemony over the Western intellectual outlook, which can be summarized briefly as follows: that there exists an external world, whose properties are independent of any individual human being and indeed of humanity as a whole; that these properties are encoded in ``eternal'' physical ...