The sound of chainsaws was heard throughout the land. Living up-island on a dirt road back in the woods, I was lucky: a nurse at Martha’s Vineyard Hospital lived nearby, so volunteer EMTs and firefighters came to clear the road so she could get to work. The flip side was that ...
were stabbed by the flash of a neon light在霓虹灯下被晕眩That split the night划破夜晚And touched the sound of silence.触动了声的水面And in the naked light I saw在街灯在我看见Ten thousand people, maybe more.万人在此俱欢颜People talking without speaking,一切话语尽在不言间People hearing without...
“Oh yes. A bit of pleasure to go with the pain. Do you like the sound of that?” “Errr yes! Yes, of course Eva. Yes please.” “That’s my boy! Now, you are going to be brave for me first, aren’t you?” He nodded and smiled at her. He was in love. In love with ...
<Scarborough Fair> 此曲同为毕业生原声 和the sound of silence一样也是由Simon and Garfunkel演唱的 scarborough fair are you going to scarborough fair parsley sage rosemary and thyme remember me to one who lives there she once w...
noise from the throng of reporters massed on the hill outside the small apartment in the suburbs. All morning long, he had been focused on the screen, trying to score off "the little guy who goes back and forth shooting the aliens," but at 12:30 the sound of the telephone disturbed ...
"I don't know," Robert Jordan said."When I get very tired sometimes I speak English. Or when I get very disgusted. Or baffled, say. When I get highly baffled I just talk English to hear the sound of it. It's a reassuring noise. You ought to try it sometime." "What...
the song of black-ear the song of galaxy the song of the earth the song ofthe shirt the songnen plains so the soon departed the sopranos hbo the sopranos season the sorrow of bel-giu the sorrowfree lake the soul cannot live the soul of the wicke the sound of recyclin the sound of ...
the sound of bell emi the sound of silence- the sounds of america the source files dele the sources and statu the south magnetic po the southern suburbs the sovereignty of pa the space age the spatial and tempo the spcification for the speaker requireme the speakers own gold the spectrum ...
He laughed his sudden mocking laugh.At the sound she leaped to her feet, snatching up her bonnet. He suddenly had her by the shoulders. “Not quite yet. Do you feel well enough to talk sense?” “Let me go!” “You are well enough, I see. Then, tell me this.Was I the only ...
Not another sound broke the heavy silence of the windless night. I saw Holmes put his hand to his forehead like a man distracted. He stamped his feet upon the ground. "He has beaten us, Watson. We are too late." "No, no, surely not!" "Fool that I was to hold my hand....