A small sound of the Trumpet. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1986. Google Scholar Labourt, J. (Ed.) Saint Jérôme: Lettres 2. Paris: Société d’Edition “Les Belles Lettres”, 1951. Google Scholar Lachanche, P. The Spiritual Journey of the Blessed Angela da Foligno according to the ...
Bedeutung: 1. value, worth Bedienter: 1. lackey Bedienung: 1. attendance, service, waiting Bedingung: 1. condition, stipulation, terms Bedrohung: 1. menace, threat Beduine: 1. Bedouin Bedürfnis: 1. need, want Beefsteak: 1. steak, beefsteak Beere: 1. berry Beet: 1. bed Beete: 1...
1969.Word, Sound,andImagein theOdesof Horace.AnnArbor:University ofMichigan Press.Lieberg, Godo.1965.“DieBedeutungdesFestesbei Horaz.”InSynusia.Festgabefür W. Schadewaldt,edited by HellmutFlasharandKonrad Gaiser,403–427.Pfullingen:VerlagGüntherNeske.Lissarrague,François. 1987.Un flotd’...
The Greeks apparently did not like the sound of words ending in other consonants.26 Often, either the fijinal consonant would drop offf, or the vowel "α" would be added to ease pronunciation.27 (2) Assimilation to a commonly known Aramaic form. Hebrew words like רכָ שֵׁ ...
Sound training and continuing education of legal pro- fessionals ensures that investigative authorities, judges, and the legal profession possess the necessary knowl- edge to handle sex offense cases. This enables them to engage in, for example, victim-friendly questioning or make appropriate ...
In this context, Benjamin refers to words as entertaining a “pure emotional life cycle” in which the word “purifies [läutert]” itself by developing “from the natural sound to the pure sound of feeling”, and thus reduces language to a “transitional phase within the entire life cycle...
Tauber, Elisabeth. 2006.Du Wirst Keinen Ehemann Nehmen! Respekt, Fluchtheirat und die Bedeutung der Toten bei den Sinti Estraixaria. Münster: LIT Verlag. [Google Scholar] Tribulato, Chiara. 2020. Dritto in contatto: Elementi romaní nel gergo di una comunità girovaga italiana. InArgot e ...
When we createdjPlayer, an audio player plugin for jQuery, we were attempting to address some of the limitations of the current crop of Flash-based audio players. Many relied on Flash to implement the player's graphical interface, effectively isolating the player from the rest of the web desi...
I feel the madness inside of me, it tears me formally. I see the darkness around me, my final light goes off. I hear the gladness of these bastards, rage grows with every sound and I remember those good old times. all that hate in past times, where my fate has arose. ...
Had the empire been sound instead of in a hopelessly rotten state when Gregory became pope, it is hard to say how his views might have worked out in practice. As it was, his line of strong independence, his efficiency, and his courage carried all before them, and when he died there ...