Prelude and The Sound of Music The hills are alive With the sound of music With songs they have sung For a thousand years The hills fill my heart With the sound of music My heart wants to sing Everything it hears Every song that it hears My heart wants to beat Like the wings of the...
播放量:4886 在手机上播 视频简介 发行时间:2020-03-30
播放量:4881 在手机上播 视频简介 发行时间:2020-03-30
[学英语][儿歌]Learn English with Songs: You gotta wait until I cook it 1054 0 02:05 App [学英语]The Sound of Music Songs: My Favorite Things 85 0 04:58 App [学英语]Learn English with Songs: Hold on (Justin Bieber) 贾斯汀·比伯 85 0 00:21 App [学英语]Learn English in one mi...
(1)The Sound of Music 音乐之声 The hills are alive with the sound of music 阵阵动人的音乐唤醒这沉睡的山峦 With songs they have sung for a thousand years 传唱千年的歌声萦绕其中久未消逝 The hills fill my heart with the sound of music 群山以动人的音乐充盈着我的内心 My heart wants to sing...
网易云音乐 来云音乐,畅听无损音质 立即体验 The Sound of Music (Remastered) Rodgers & Hammerstein 112 The hills are alive with the sound of music山川与音乐之声交织 With songs they have sung for a thousand years蕴藏着他们早已吟唱千年的歌曲 The hills fill my heart with the sound of music山峦...
Withthesoundofmusic 充满生气 Withsongstheyhavesung 唱了... Forathousandyears 千年的歌 Thehillsfillmyheart 群山让我的心中... Withthesoundofmusic 充满了音乐 MyheartwantstosingEverysongithears要唱出每支歌 MyheartwantstobeatlikethewingsOfthebirdsthatrise我心震荡像鸟儿翅膀 Fromthelaketothetrees 由湖...
Various Artists - The Sound of Music (Reprise)
The Sound of Music - Hammerstein/Helen O'Connell/Rodgers The hills are alive With the sound of music With songs they have sung For a thousand years The hills fill my heart With the sound of music My heart wants to sing every song it hears My heart wants to beat Like the...