英语听力教程第三版(张民伦主编)unit-8-the-sound-of-music听力原文.pdf,Listen this way 听力教程第三册-8 Unit 8 The Sound of Music Part I Getting ready A quiz game show is a type of radio or television programming genre in which contestants, television perso
音乐之声 The Sound of Music (1965)Part 1 分享译制电影 聆听经典配音 共享精神财富 探寻心灵宁静之道 音乐之声 The Sound of Music (1965)导演: 罗伯特·怀斯 编剧: 乔治·胡达勒克 / 霍华德·林赛 / 拉塞尔·克劳斯 / 恩斯特·莱赫曼 / 玛丽亚·冯·特拉普 主演: 朱莉·安德鲁斯 / 克里斯托弗·普卢默 /...
1.panel:agroupofspecialistswhogivetheiradviceor opinionaboutsomething 2.contender:apersonwhotakespartinapetitionortries towinsomething 3.nomination:theactofsuggestingorchoosingsomebodyas acandidateinanelection,orforajoboranaward 4.cinematography:theartorprocessofmakingfilms 5.score:themusicwrittenforafilm/movie...
Unit 8 The Sound of Music Part I Getting ready A quiz game show is a type of radio or television programming genre in which contestants, television personalities or celebrities, sometimes as part of a team, play a game which involves answering questions or solving puzzles usually for money ...
Unit8TheSoundofMusic PartIGettingready Aquizgameshowisatypeofradioortelevisionprogramming genreinwhichcontestants,televisionpersonalitiesorcelebrities, sometimesaspartofateam,playagamewhichinvolvesanswering questionsorsolvingpuzzlesusuallyformoneyand/orprizes. ...
1、Listen this way听力教程第三册-8Unit 8 The Sound of Music Part I Getting ready A quiz game show is a type of radio or television programming genre in which contestants, television personalities or celebrities, sometimes as part of a team, play a game which involves answering questions or...
音乐之声The Sound of Music中英对照剧本 (1)群山因为音乐...The hills are alive (2)充满生气With the sound of music (3)唱了...With songs they have sung (4)千年的歌For a thousand years (5)群山让我的心中...The hills fill my heart (6)充满了音乐With the sound of music (7)要唱出每...
Sound Check: Musical Vocabulary Quiz With the migration of many Southern rural whites to industrial cities during theGreat DepressionandWorld War II, country music was carried into new areas and exposed to new influences, such asbluesandgospel music. The nostalgic bias of country music, with its...