This romantic drama shows the struggles and wins of each character in their respective fields as well as their story of friendship and a love triangle. There’s also an excellent cast for this series. You may recognize the lead actors from the infamous Korean film,Parasite,where So Dam played...
Is GRΣΣK Watchworthy? Set amid the drama and debauchery of college Greek life, this show features an ensemble cast navigating the trials and tribulations of love, friendships, rivalries, and education. Witty dialogue, unforgettable characters, and relatable romances make this a must-watch for ...
Set in glamorous 1960s Miami Beach, Magic City is a stylish period drama that delves into the dangerous and alluring world of luxury hotels, organized crime, and political corruption. The series centers on hotel owner Ike Evans, whose tangled web of alliances and adversaries threatens to ...
Most forgettable and shortest drama watched in 2022:Soundtrack #1at a mere 4 episodes. I literally had to check back on what it was about because the title rang no bells for me. For the category of anticipated show that did not live up to expectations,The Sound of Magic. I felt that ...
10/10 LOVE CANNOT BE SHARED.. The courtship stage is superB between Jeha and Anna, however I am more interested with Madam and Jeha story so I'm expecting more scenes about them. (Mirror sound proof on) Helpful•6 1 gotrockboy ...
The show mixes a great soundtrack and poppy music references with a compelling character study of Robyn, and features a great supporting cast in Da’Vine Joy Randolph’s abrasive Cherise and David H. Holmes’ sad sack Simon, who gets a great standalone episode about his own love life. ...
Most divisive: Castaway on the Moon Over 1.9K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of Korean Romance Movies HOW RANKINGS WORK Feel the love with the best Korean romance movies of all time. From rom-coms to melodramas, this list of romantic films from South Korea highl...
Di4riesis an Italian teen comedy-drama series released on Netflix on 26 July 2022. The cast of the series includes Andrea Arru as Pietro, Flavia Leone as Livia, Biagio Venditti as Daniele, Sofia Nicolini as Isabel, Liam Nicolosi, Federica Franzellitti as Monica, Francesca La Cava as Arian...
Book Summary: Anna, a bakery owner in a Southern town, discovers a recipe for creating the perfect man with “magic sugar” from her late grandmother’s mysterious box. After using the formula, the man of her dreams shows up the following day. Too cute! See the official book synopsis. ...
CONTACT Have a particular drama that you’d like to see reviewed? Caveat: I make no promises, but I will try to accommodate wherever possible 😉 Got a burning question to ask? A great idea for the blog? A comment that you just don’t know where else to park?