GREECE Michalis Terzis: The Sound of GreeceTerzis, Michalis
The Sound of Greece 来自:Various Artists 无 收藏 共12首歌 Greek BayioMikis Theodorakis、Manolis Goumas Ensemble、Yorgos Hatzinasios NocturneMihalis Terzis、Manolis Goumas Orchestra The ReturnLinos kokotos、Manos Loizos、Linos Kokotos Ensemble Orchestral in 5/8Stavros Xarhakos、Mikis Theodorakis、Manos...
62023-01 哀希腊歌“TheIsles of Greece” 32023-01 The Isles of Greece 32023-01 游影飞儿瀑泉山作 22023-01 自杀篇 82023-01 老树行 22023-01 送许肇南归国 22023-01 墓门行 22023-01 满庭芳 22023-01 水调歌头·今别离 22023-01 查看更多
57 THE ISLES OF GREECE 672022-09 4 58 自杀篇 422022-09 5 59 老树行 482022-09 6 60 满庭芳 472022-09 7 61 临江仙 512022-09 8 62 将去绮色佳,叔永以诗赠别。作此奉和。即以留别 422022-09 9 63 沁园春 392022-09 10 64 送梅觐庄往哈佛大学 (一) 392022-09 查看更多 ...
The Isles of Greece 英汉对照 TheIslesofGreece LordByron Background •TheIslesofGreece是拜伦的著名长诗《唐璜》第3诗章的一个部分。原来并无标题,只是后人为了方便,权且把第1节第1行当作标题。该章完成于1819年,发表于1821年。TheIslesofGreece集中体现了拜伦对希腊哀其不幸、怒其不争的特殊情怀,为历来...
《最终幻想:灵魂深处》是由坂口博信、莫托·萨克巴拉执导,温明娜、亚历克·鲍德温、文·瑞姆斯为主要配音的一部科幻类CG电影。影片于2001年7月2日在美国上映。影片的故事背景发生在2065年,地球已被幽灵侵占,人类只能住在一个全封闭的现代城堡里。罗斯为了拯救人类,最终用残存在身体里的波长拯救了世界。剧情简介 在...
The Voice of Greece Edit It looks like we don't have any soundtracks for this title yet.Be the first to contribute. Learn more Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content Top Gap What is the English language plot outline for Blind Auditions, Part 12 (2017)?
eg: So I'm going to be talking to over ninety people, am I? I don't like the sound of that!所以我将要对着超过90个人发言,是吗?这可听起来不怎么妙。eg: They're consulting a lawyer? I don't like the sound of that.他们正在咨询律师?呃,这可不妙。eg: A vacation in Greece? I like...
The Voice of Greece Edit It looks like we don't have any soundtracks for this title yet.Be the first to contribute. Learn more Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content Top Gap What is the English language plot outline for Blind Auditions, Part 6 (2015)?