concept offreedom of speechis often covered by the same laws as freedom of the press, thereby giving equal treatment to spoken and published expression.Swedenwas the first country in the world to adopt freedom of the press into its constitution with the Freedom of the Press Act of 1766.[2]...
Drifter swears he's telling the truth and begs Orin not to go. She refuses and says their friendship is over, this time calling Drifter Wu Ming. The Drifter gives up, telling Orin that she's giving up her freedom, but allowing her to leave. On week eight, the Guardian watches a much...
Pike offers himself as a captive for the freedom of the others and the Enterprise, but Number One begins a "force-chamber" overload of her laser pistol, intending to destroy herself and her shipmates to thwart the Talosians' plans. She tells the Keeper that it is wrong to create a ...
During their time together, the Tenth Doctor and Donna Noble were honoured as household gods by Lobus Caecilius and Metella in Rome, (TV: The Fires of Pompeii [+]) and the Ood's Song of Freedom was dedicated to them, (TV: Planet of the Ood [+]) with their stories being told and...
The creature, disguised as Mara Sov, had used him to gain its freedom and soon captured him.[87] As it turns out Riven, the last known of the wish-granting Ahamkara, became Taken after Oryx invaded the Reef but upon his defeat, appeared to serve a new master and aspired to break ...
But it is based on the exploits of a number of courageous men who were and still are risking their lives daily to aid those unfortunate people of many nationalities who are being persecuted and exterminated by the Nazis. To these champions of freedom this story is dedicated.”...
Zavala began working on a message to be broadcast throughout the system to rally Guardians to Titan, but Sloane and Amanda disliked his initial recordings, noting he made it sound like they had already lost the war. Sloane wanted him to be more inspiring and present more of a plan, but ...
There's also the Forsworn, who the Nords think of as wild madmen but who see themselves as fighting for the freedom of the Reach.
They soon discover that Lovegood has betrayed them to the Ministry; Luna, his daughter, was taken captive earlier in the year because he was encouraging support for Harry, and he believes that giving them Harry will win her freedom. The trio barely escape from the Death Eaters sent to fetch...
He finally relaxed this position with Smash 4, which gave other members more freedom in how the game is built and created a more efficient work culture.[10] The whiteboard drawing posted by Sakurai.On July 2nd, 2012, Sakurai posted a whiteboard drawing on Twitter which was drawn by the ...