abandon, or dismiss someone or something that has become redundant, obsolete, useless, or unwanted.例句:I can't believe that after 20 years of hard work the company would just kick me to the curb like that!I think it's about time we kick this old computer to the curb.I heard...
When we tun off a device, such as television, it goes into stand-by mode. Devices in this mode still use power, and older devices in stand-by mode can use even more. This happens because electricity continues to leak from the device, even when it is turned “off”. To make sure you...
spring goes and comes spring heating spring loaded type re spring love series spring manufacturing spring mountain road spring mounting spring onion chicken spring park urai spa spring poppet spring rabbits foot spring scarificator spring scenes spring seasons long s spring song pure menf spring tea...
b. To give entry; lead: a stairway that goes to the basement. 5. To function properly: The car won't go. 6. a. To have currency. b. To pass from one person to another; circulate: Wild rumors were going around the office. 7. To pass as the result of a sale: The gold watch...
there came a man sent there can be comfort there goes the tell there he goes with hi there in berlin there is a cleverness there is a cup on the there is a five-and-d there is a grand task there is a new place there is a party there is a sky there is a sky illumi there is...
For example “decision affect theory” proposes that how we feel about a situation is determined partly by comparing what actually happened with what could have happened. Based on this, people should be happy when an eve...
HENSLOWE There's a lady knows your play by heart. But when he turns to WILL he finds that WILL has gone. INT. WILL'S ROOM. DAY. WILL comes into his room, goes straight to his table in the window, and arranges pen, ink, and paper. Now he has his ritual: he spins round once ...
51happened;it?llcontinuetohappen,andisn?titgreatthatwe?resolinguisticallyflexibleandcreative?”( )5.WhydoesthetextbeginwithKatherine?sconflictwithherson?A.Toleadintheuseofperiodintexting.B.Toemphasizethegreatpowerofwords.C.Toshowyoungsters?attitudestowardstexting.D.Tosuggesttherightuseofpunctuationmarks.( ...
advise that … (should) do sth.建议某人做某事 advise with sb.on(about)sth.同某人商量某事 advice [U]建议;忠告 give advice on就/关于……给予忠告 follow/take/adopt advice遵循/采纳建议 【例句】 ①He gave us some advice on how to improve my English.他就如何提高我的英语水平给了我一些忠告。
The question is:3When we have a good conversation with someone, we tend to adjust the pitch (音高) of our own voice towards theirs. But when we find someone attractive, the opposite is true. For men, their pitch goes down, while for women, their pitch goes up. What’s more, lowering...