If you don't watch shows with subtitles, you've been missing "Fauda," an Israeli series that focuses on the leader of the Israel Defense Forces' counterterrorism unit. Netflix has aired four seasons of the show, which has generated controversy for its unwillingness to offer sympathetic portray...
So, for a time there, living separately, I pretty much lived for the Sopranos and Seinfeld, swinging from vine to vine like Tarzan until I could find a safe place to safely descend from high up in the jungle canopy. » article continues... ...
Dionysios KapsaskisPerspectives: studies in translatologyArtegiani, Irene, and Dionysios Kapsaskis. 2014. "Template Files: Asset or Anathema? A Qualitative Analysis of the Subtitles of The Sopranos." Perspectives: Studies in Translatology 22 (3): 419-436....
Some argue thatThe Wireis TV’s best drama of all time; others stand up forMad MenorThe Sopranos, the latter of which has the benefit of being so important historically that it begins many textbooks’ modern TV eras. ButBreaking Badmade its bones quickly, publicly, and with plenty of pizz...
Max's greatest strength is its catalog of prestige original shows, includingBarry,Big Little Lies,Chernobyl, Curb Your Enthusiasm,Last Week Tonight with John Oliver,Sex and the City,Silicon Valley,Six Feet Under,Succession,The Sopranos,The Wire, andWestworld. ...
Max's greatest strength is its catalog of prestige original shows, includingBarry,Big Little Lies,Chernobyl, Curb Your Enthusiasm,Last Week Tonight with John Oliver,Sex and the City,Silicon Valley,Six Feet Under,Succession,The Sopranos,The Wire, andWestworld. ...