BBC News, 26 October 2006 Prize offered to Africa's leaders The Observer, 10 September 2006 US accused of covert operations in Somalia The Telegraph, 2 August 2006Charles Janson – Obituary Charles Janson, who died on June 15 aged 88, was a foreign correspondent who founded two influential ne...
In his obituary (23 October 1914), the Daily Mail asserted that Courlander died after a break-down, having ‘overtaxed his strength’ reporting on the War from Paris. Mightier than the Sword, by Alphonse Courlander London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1912 Sarah Lonsdale is a journalist, critic an...
Obituary: Amelia Rose Bucci (1942-2024) Amelia Rose Bucci, known by locals simply as “Bucci,” passed away on May 29th at the age of 82. Bucci was the proprietor of Read More June 29, 2024 Food & Drink·In the Neighborhood June 2024 Food & Drink Updates: Minnie Bell’s Closin...
Members and other admirers of Peter are welcome to send tributes towebmaster@acscricket.comso that they can be added to hisobituary. 26 May 2021 An Evening with David Frith David’s recently published autobiography UPDATE: An Evening with David Frith can now be viewed in theMembers Area(passwo...
#2. #3. #4. Oregon City Class of 1966 High School Yearbook #5. City of Oregon City Facebook Page:
Dave sent me the obituary of Princeton Emeritus Professor Dr. Harry Frankfurt, author of the wonderful seventy-four page 1986 essay/book On Bullshit. The good professor died on July 16th at ninety-four. (#2) Brilliant and Captivating When I started this blog in late 2011, I decided that...
JUNE 14, 2023 BYMIKE DUQUETTE If you’ll forgive the easy reference, there’s no one quite as bewitching as Stevie Nicks. Since she joined Fleetwood Mac in 1975 and helped turn them from British blues-based cult act to blockbuster pop/rock icons, her enrapturing voice and stage presence ...
My heart goes out to his wife Nora and their children and grandchildren. There’ll be a more formal obituary and a celebration of his life in the days and weeks to come–Matthew Holt DEI Is Now a Four Letter Word Feb 4, 2025
A fitting obituary for a great rugby player and beer man, Paul Rendall: He would often proclaim Nunc est bibendum. For those old team-mates who had not studied Latin, he would explain, in the bar, of course, that now it is time to drink. Drinks Business had a great piece this week...
NME By Damien Jones Nov 16th, 2017 Band are also planning a world tour in 2018 Fleetwood Mac have announced plans to reissue their self-titled 1975 album, featuring unreleased material. The remastered album will be available in three different formats: a single-CD, a 2xCD collection featuring...