Years before iPods and MP3 downloads, the Sony Walkman was the first widely available portable music player. It revolutionised the way fans listened to their favourite bands. In this programme, Neil and Georgina take a nostalgic ...
Sony Ericsson puts music first in the W980 Walkman® phone to deliver a clear audio experience1) Facts and features may vary depending on local variant.2) Talk and standby times are affected by network preferences; type of SIM card, connected accessories and various activities e.g. games. ...
Noun1.Walkman- (trademark) a pocket-sized stereo system with light weight earphones stereo,stereo system,stereophonic system,stereophony- reproducer in which two microphones feed two or more loudspeakers to give a three-dimensional effect to the sound ...
索尼Walkman 在70 年代的进程中,乐迷们还不能很方便的把音乐带在身上进行享受,这在今天看来似乎有点难以接受。到了 1979 年,第一代 Sony Walkman 开始在日本贩售,彻底改变了听音乐的文化。虽然之后被 CD 播放器、iPod、手机等音乐收听媒介所取代,但 Sony 一直把 Walkman 品牌塑造成高端的数字音频设备。 Techni...
Walkman是日式英语,在最初的推广时期,Walkman在美国叫做「Soundabout」,在英国叫做「Stawaway」,在瑞典则叫做「Freestyle」,后因叫法太多,在1980年时统一称之为「Walkman」,从此Sony Walkman开启了个人娱乐市场的先河。1986年,「Walkman」被收录于《牛津大字典》,从此「walkman」一词成为所有随身听的统称。
B) New technologies always provoke generational panic, which usually has more to do with adult fears than with the lives of teenagers. In the 1930s, parents worried that radio was gaining “an irresistible hold of their children". In the 80s, the great danger was the Sony Walkman (随身听...
前两天ZDM上爆料sony A25易迅特价到只要869,楼主遂跑去下了个单。 索尼NW-A25 索尼h.ear系列音乐播放器sony walkman 银色 ¥1069 去购买 先说满意的:扩展性好,虽只有16g内存,但支持tf卡扩展,这样楼主买个128gb的tf卡,它就能把楼主一路喜欢的老音乐新音乐一股脑儿都装进去。初听下来,底噪控制的还成,虽比...
In the 80s, the great danger was the Sony Walkman (随身听). When you look at today's digital activity, the facts are much more positive than you might expect, Indeed, social scientists who study young people have found that their digital use can be inventive and even beneficial. This ...
前两天ZDM上爆料sony A25易迅特价到只要869,楼主遂跑去下了个单。 易迅网 索尼NW-A25 索尼h.ear系列音乐播放器sony walkman 银色 ¥1069 去购买 先说满意的:扩展性好,虽只有16g内存,但支持tf卡扩展,这样楼主买个128gb的tf卡,它就能把楼主一路喜欢的老音乐新音乐一股脑儿都装进去。初听下来,底噪控制的还成...
It featured 2 Royal weddings, E.T. Back To The Future, Dirty Dancing, Top Gun – and it gave birth to Channel 4,The Sony Walkman, Eastenders, Now Compilations, Trivial Pursuits, and MTV! Throw in Princess Diana, Margaret Thatcher, Prince, Madonna, Adam Ant, Michael Jackson and LIVE AID...