"The Sound of Silence", originally "The Sounds of Silence", is a song by the American music duoSimon & Garfunkel. The song was written by Paul Simon over a period of several months in 1963 and 1964. A studio audition led to the duo signing a rec...
“The Sound of Silence” is a timeless folk rock song performed by the American duo Simon & Garfunkel. It was released in 1964 on their debut studio album, Wednesday Morning, 3 A.M. It gained significant popularity when it was re-released in...
"The Sound of Silence", originally "The Sounds of Silence", is a song by the American music duoSimon & Garfunkel. The song was written by Paul Simon over a period of several months in 1963 and 1964. A studio audition led to the duo signing a record deal with Columbia Records, and th...
首张专辑《Wwdnesday Morning,3A.M.》未有太大反响,其中包括后来的盖世名曲“The Sounds Of Silence”,1966年他们为达斯汀·霍夫曼主演的电影《毕业生》创作原声带,主题曲“Mrs.Robinson”与原声带双双夺冠,获得年度唱片和最佳流行唱片两座格莱美奖。1970年专辑《Bridge Over Troubled Water》...
欢迎收听电子音频内容《班得瑞 - 寂静山林02.寂静之音The Song Of Silence》,你可以在线听书也可以下载喜马拉雅APP播放,想收听更多更优质的有声读物小说故事音乐作品,就来喜马拉雅!
且让我们详细探讨这首发人省醒的『抗议歌曲(song of protest)』吧!在探讨这首歌时,你也许会有个疑问,到底这首歌是The sound of silence、Sounds of silence 或是 The sounds of silence?如果是赛门一个人唱,就是The sound of silence,如果是赛葛两人一起唱就是 The sounds of silence。有没有定冠词 The?
“The Sound of Silence” is a timeless folk rock song performed by the American duoSimon & Garfunkel. It was released in 1964 on their debut studio album,Wednesday Morning, 3 A.M.It gained significant popularity when it was re-released in a new electric version in 1965.Upon its re-releas...