the winans - Trust In God
酷狗音乐为您提供由JTheKidd演唱的高清音质无损In God I Trustmp3在线听,听In God I Trust,只来酷狗音乐!
And this be our motto in God is our trust And the star spangled banner in triumph shall wave Over the land of the free and the home of the brave 去QQ音乐看翻译歌词设置彩铃下载歌曲1 猜你喜欢听 Mull Of Kintyre (琴泰海角) 布莱尼西.阿特曼 Rhapsody in G Minor, Op. 79, No. 2 (G小调...
GOD:Again, a visualization might help. Imagine sitting on a footstool at My feet. Look up into My face and see in My eyes the devoted love I have for you. See in my smile the delight you bring Me. Feel My warm compassion as I wrap My arm around your shoulders.* Bask in My prese...
指望在于救主 [Trust in the Living God] 书卷:提摩太前书(新约) 作者:保罗 提摩太前书4章10节:“我们劳苦努力,正是为此,因我们的指望在乎永生的上帝。他是万人的救主,更是信徒的救主。” 今日默想:主并没有应许我们这些跟从祂的人过安逸的生活,也没有答应让我们这些忠心爱祂的人飞黄腾达。相反的,主要我们...
“Trust In God” was released as a part of Elevation Worship’s latest album, “CAN YOU IMAGINE?” in May 2023. Chris Brown says that some song ideas take time to fully mature into the final products we hear today. “We’re always collecting ideas for songs. I heard s...
Formalize the union in communion He can trust快筹办圣餐,上帝值得我们信仰 I know I ain't leavin' you like I know He ain't leavin' us我不会离你而去就像上帝一直与我们同在 I know we believe in God and I know God believe in us我们笃信神明 ,神也庇佑我们 That the way you hold me hold...
Formalize the union in communion He can trust快筹办圣餐 上帝值得我们信仰 I know I ain't leavin' you like I know He ain't leavin' us我不会离你而去就像上帝一直与我们同在 I know we believe in God and I know God believe in us我们笃信神明 神也庇佑我们 That the way you hold me hold ...
Our Song Dorothy Squires 45 Bewitched Dorothy Squires 46 Torremolinos Dorothy Squires 47 Don't Search for Love Dorothy Squires 48 This Place Called Home Dorothy Squires 49 Trust in Me Dorothy Squires 50 Say It with Flowers Dorothy Squires/Russ Conway 51 Talk It Over with Someone Dorothy Squires...
外部播放此歌曲> The Thanes - In God I Trust 专辑:Evolver 歌手:The Thanes 还没有歌词哦