She found Odysseus in the thick of slaughtered corpses, splattered with bloody filth like a lion that’s devoured some ox of the field and lopes home, covered with blood, his chest streaked, both jaws glistening, dripping red —(22.424-9) No news of the suitors’ death must spread through...
1、The Odyssey is Homer's second epic poem,deal with the return of Odysseus after the Trojan war to his island of Ithaca The Odyssey is the most famous example of Greek mythology. It tells the story of Odysseus, who fought long and hard for Greece during the Trojan War.The Odyssey is ...
1.(Philosophy) (often capital) one of the pre-Socratic philosophers who were itinerant professional teachers of oratory and argument and who were prepared to enter into debate on any matter however specious 2.a person who uses clever or quibbling arguments that are fundamentally unsound ...
But when the dear son of Odysseus comes, he’ll give you cloak and tunic – handsome clothes – and send you on to where your heart would go.” [Book XV] [Meneláus] “Telémachus, I’d never hold you back if you long for return; I’d look askance at any man who keeps a ...
Odysseus was a legendary hero in Greek mythology, king of the island of Ithaca and the main protagonist of Homer's epic, the Odyssey. He was also a pr...
Odysseuscan’t help dragging, “the one who has blindingyou, I amOdysseus, sackerofcities,KingofIthaca!” Bigmistake! Thegod of the sea, Poseidon, was angry withOdysseus for blindinghis sonandvowedtomaketherestofhisjourneyparticularlytesting Thenext island is home of the witch Circe. Circe gave...
The Odyssey: With Armand Assante, Greta Scacchi, Isabella Rossellini, Bernadette Peters. Follows Odysseus on his wanderings back to Ithaca following the Trojan War.
Intelligence is the one thing that Odysseus has the most of and also the reason why he not only defeated the Trojans, but also survived the great journey he went through to get back to Ithaca. Throughout the story, Odysseus often hesitates before acting. This being because he ...
Odyssey: Greek mythology point and click adventure game. Join the heroes of troy Step into this epic point-and-click mythical adventure game with giants. See what it takes to be the Greek demigod hero Odysseus (Ulysses)! Get ready to embark on a journey filled with danger, mythical creatures...
a)Odysseus gets together with his wife and son.口奥德修斯和他的妻儿团聚。b)Many of Odysseus's friends are killed.口奥德修斯的许多朋友被杀死。c)Odysseus and his friendsfight in Troy.口奥德修斯和他的朋友们在特洛伊打仗。d)Odysseus and his friends go to Troy.口奥德修斯和他的朋友们去特洛伊。e...