Poems By Hugh Crompton, The Son of Bacchus, and God-son of Apollo. Being A fardle of Fancies, or a medley of Musick, stewed in four Ounces of the Oyl of EpigramsHugh Crompton
10.Suspicion ofProcris(胡乱猜疑) 11.Augean stables(极肮脏的地方) 12.Bacchus has drowned more men than Neptune (美酒为害,烈如海水) 13.A son ofBacchus(酒鬼) 14.Under the influence ofBacchus(醉酒) 15.To be a Diana(终身不嫁)...
巴克斯的胜利(The Triumph Of Bacchus ) 查尔斯·约瑟夫·纳托伊尔(Charles-Joseph Natoire) 简介查尔斯·约瑟夫·纳托伊尔(Charles-Joseph Natoire) 法国洛可可风格画家 查尔斯·约瑟夫·纳图伊尔是一位法国洛可可风格画家,以布歇的风格画性感的裸体画作。代表作品有The Expulsion from Paradise,Vénus demande à ...
Young Bacchus ravished by his tree. My curls about her neck did crawl, And arms and hands they did enthrall, So that she could not freely stir (All parts there made one prisoner). But when I crept with leaves to hide Those parts which maids keep unespied, ...
Bacchus - le facteur (uncredited) Diabolique(1955) Michel Constantin Un spectateur du strip-tease (uncredited) The Hole(1960) Jean Degrave L'huissier de l'assemblée nationale (uncredited) The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie(1972) Lucien Desagneaux ...
Bac Son Culture Baca Baca County Baca, Elfego Bacabal BACAIC Bacau baccalaureate Baccaloni, Salvatore baccarat baccate Bacchanalia Bacchanalia festival Bacchus Bacchus' cup Bacchus, priest of Bacchylides bacciferous Bach Bach Festival Bach, Alexander ...
Martin: Patron of drunkards, to save them from falling into danger. (The origin came from St. Martins day coinciding with the feast of Bacchus, god of wine.) St. Martins goose. The 1 54、1th of November, St. Martins Day, was at one time the great goose feast of France. The ...
god of fertility; sometimes associated with fertility of crops. [Gk. Myth.:NCE, 575] See:Farming Dionysus inspired men through wine; considered a patron of the arts. [Gk. Myth.:NCE, 767] See:Patronage Dionysus (Rom.Bacchus) god of wine and revelry. [Gk. Myth.: Parrinder, 39] ...
1.Greek & Roman MythologyA priest or votary of Bacchus. 2.A boisterous reveler. [Latinbacchāns, bacchant-, present participle ofbacchārī,to celebrate the festival of Bacchus, fromBacchus,Bacchus; seeBacchus.] bac·chan·tic(-kăn′tĭk)adj. ...