“The Society,” Netflix’s compelling new drama from “Party of Five” co-creator Christopher Keyser, takes a grab bag of teen tropes and mixes it with “Lord of the Flies” and a vague dose of supernatural intrigue for good measure. Its premise even manages to sidestep the question of ...
【Netflix新剧《新社会》(The Society)中字预告片 明天开播!】这部剧被形容为《迷失 Lost》与《苍蝇王 Lord of the Flies》的混合体,讲述一群少年自一次短途旅行后,回到城镇时发现其他人都失踪了,而且主角们还变得无法离开此地。 L美剧迷的微博视频 ...
首先吐槽一下为什么把the society 翻译成奇异镇 原意本来就是社会制度的意思 为什么翻译成这么怪力的感觉...
The Society star features in first Freaky trailer Why The Society was cancelled but Riverdale wasn't The Society boss opens up about "upsetting" axing Netflix offers new updates on The Society season 2 Netflix's The Society is returning for season 2 ...
The best Netflix movies feature wild adventures, epic films and two of the best movies of the last year, so you don't even need to go to a theater
The best Netflix movies feature wild adventures, epic films and two of the best movies of the last year, so you don't even need to go to a theater
This December, there are two new highlights: Jamie Foxx’s Netflix special detailing his harrowing near-death experience and the Tupac Shakur biopicAll Eyez On Me. Keep reading for the full list of the best Black movies on Netflix right now. ...
《奇异镇》(The Society)极有可能被续订。Netflix最新的青少年剧集《奇异镇》在大获成功。第一季共10集,很快就吸引了很多观众,他们想知道神秘世界的一切,以及居住在那里的200多名高中生是如何生存下来的。 Netflix对于这部剧可能的第二季到目前为止还是完全保持沉默。Netflix通常会等上几周,看看一部剧在一段时间内...