Sharing her thoughts on the importance of self-reflection and introspection while being in leadership roles, Secretary Clinton said, “We are living in such a fast-paced world and being overstimulated by information as well as misinformation. So I think it’s especially important to shut off soc...
candidates – registered with several parties or ‘significant group of citizens’ – for uninominal offices (president, mayors, governors) and the 2015 constitutional reform allows parties, who have won up to 15% of the vote combined, to run coalition lists for collegiate bodies (like Congress)...
“Chivalry,”“purity,” and “wisdom” are three virtues promoted by a traditionalist Catholic organization known as the American Society for the Defense of Truth, Family, and Property, or the American TFP. These three words are TFP buzzwords, and they are also words and concepts that Matt ...
Academia needs a clean-out. Curricula are like wallets and purses – once in a while, you have to empty the thing and toss the trash. And the collegiate world has long had an overproduction problem, pumping out people with degrees in Useless Studies and hiring them back as administrator...
(two years ago, the company agreed to a $1.87 million payout to women employees who had been compensated less than their male counterparts. a heavily female leadership team is now in charge, with women currently accounting for more than half of vice media’s global workforce.) mcinnes’s ...
Gordon Wayne Watts' personal website: Legal Info for Terri Schiavo; FLA Elections Problems; Star Trek info - Lakeland voter and long-time Republican, Gordon Watts, upholds the 'Rule of Law' in Florida by way of a 2002 lawsuit, which demands that the Sta
ValueXchange does, however, create trade-offs for society; ValueXchange may entice uniformed parties to take on the risks of receiving and providing a loan. Further analysis reveals, however, that the ValueXchange business model mitigates these trade-offs. The last component of the dissertation ...
The companies being taxed for “robots” taking over jobs people used to do. We are really hurting our society short and long term by technology. It helps the upper management show greater profits to the shareholders/investors. But at some point there won’t be enough consumption due to ...
During treatment, the therapists asked the inpatients to do a career exercise: Write down their ideal job, imagining a time when they would be sober and try to reintegrate themselves into society. Alvi described himself working for a magazine somehow—even though he couldn’t imagine any media...