美国工业摇滚大牌九寸钉(Nine Inch Nails)乐队主唱君特-雷泽诺(Trent Reznor)联手英国作曲家阿蒂库斯-罗斯(Atticus Ross),为美国知名导演大卫-芬奇(David Fincher)的全新电影《The Social Network》配乐。作曲家将抽象的网络世界化为跃动的电子音符,配乐充满“数码感”。 更多全部 ...
06 Painted Sun In Abstract The Social Network OST Soundtrack_v720P 03:30 07 314 Every Night The Social Network OST Soundtrack_v720P 04:04 08 Pieces From the Whole The Social Network OST Soundtrack_v720P 04:17 09 Carbon Prevalis The Social Network OST Soundtrack_v720P 03:54 10 Event...
所属专辑:The Social Network OST 喜欢下载分享 声音简介专辑中文名: 社交网络 专辑英文名: The Social Network 艺术家: Atticus Ross、Trent Reznor 资源格式: MP3 版本: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack 发行时间: 2010年 地区: 美国 语言: 英语 资源码率:320K 专辑介绍: 大卫·芬奇即将执导的这部Facebook诞...
The Social Network的乐评。年末的时候得感叹找到部好电影加好音乐,要说的不是什么冷门的欧洲闷片,而是名字比内容要俗得多的《社交网络》。 有时候我们会找到一部很出彩的电影,有时候我们能找到一张很出色的唱片,可是要找到两者共同体的...
Despite our critical dependence on aquatic wildlife, we lack a complete understanding of the drivers of population stability and structure for most fish species. Social network analysis has been increasingly used to investigate animal societies as it exp
Algebraic procedures for the analysis of multiple social networks are delivered with this package as described in Ostoic (2020) <DOI:10.18637/jss.v092.i11>."multiplex" makes possible, among other things, to create and manipulate multiplex, multimode, and multilevel network data with different ...
Network age, and therefore the social network of a bee, captures the individual’s behavior and social role in the colony and allows us to predict task allocation, mortality, and behavioral patterns such as velocity and circadian rhythms. Following the developmental trajectories of individual honey ...
(2020). The Social Media Disorder and Ostracism in Adolescents: (OSTRACA- SM Study). The Eurasian journal of medicine, 52(2), 139–144. https://doi.org/10.5152/eurasianjmed.2020.19076 Espinoza, G., & Hernandez, H. L. (2022). Adolescent Loneliness, Stress and Depressive Symptoms During ...
Social insects are an ideal model system to study the relationship between social interactions and individual roles because task allocation has long been hypothesized to arise from interactions18,19,20. The relationship of individual roles within the colony and the social network; however, is not wel...
所属专辑:The Social Network OST 喜欢下载分享 声音简介专辑中文名: 社交网络 专辑英文名: The Social Network 艺术家: Atticus Ross、Trent Reznor 资源格式: MP3 版本: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack 发行时间: 2010年 地区: 美国 语言: 英语 资源码率:320K 专辑介绍: 大卫·芬奇即将执导的这部Facebook诞...