Crime is a major source of social concern today. Look at any daily newspaper, certainly those published in Western countries, and you will find a significant proportion of their column inches devoted to reports of murder and theft and accounts of sensational trials. For films and television, ...
Kevin Kelly's Complexity Theory: The Politics and Ideology of Self-Organizing Systems Regarded as a contemporary prophet of the new technology and economy, widely acclaimed author and editor of Wired , Kevin Kelly argues that the realms of nature and human construction are becoming one. Human-...
Panic : the social construction of the street gang problem Section 1 covers conditions, social problems, and moral panics; history; police and crime control; the news media; and the sociological perspective of gangs. Section 2 describes the gang panic in Las Vegas, Reno, and the Legislature,....
Social Construction of Reality Social construction of technology Social constructionism Social constructionism Social Consumption Funds Social Content Management Social Context and Responses to Risk Social Context of Education Research Social Contexts of Pathways in Crime social contract social contract social con...
The analysis focuses on three specific examples of violence—the Parkland, Florida, and Philando Castile shootings, and stories of children who find guns and shoot themselves and/or others. This work is a critical examination of the social construction of “legitimate violence” that deconstructs ...
“plausible folk theory” which Terrence Halliday and co-authors claim is built not on robust empirical foundations but on face validity, a compactness of rhetorical expression, sufficient ambiguity to accommodate conflicting understandings and an affinity with extant beliefs on crime, dirty money (...
The articles in this symposium discuss how the life course has changed in the Western modernization process, how the social construction of the life course and of life stages can be theoretically conceptualized, and what empirical grounding there is for decisions between alternative theories. In the...
social compact n (Philosophy) (in the theories of Locke, Hobbes, Rousseau, and others) an agreement, entered into by individuals, that results in the formation of the state or of organized society, the prime motive being the desire for protection, which entails the surrender of some or all...
information on someofthemoreinvisible typesof crime,suchascorruption,fraud and domestic violence. 此外,通过与犯罪潜在受害 人之间的直接接触,人口调查可生成较为隐蔽的某些类型犯罪的信息,其中包括腐败、欺诈和家庭暴力。
I suggest that this latter reading of 'piracy' as a 'social construction' is a necessary and valuable counter to an industry-led discourse that tends to obscure rather than illuminate the complex array of processes at work. 展开 关键词: copyright crime statistics globalization intellectual property...