(1) The issue of mandatory influenza immunisation for nurses has ignored the intersection of social constructionism and critical realism regarding the concrete, objective presentation of science and nurses' epistemological and ontological realities. Unmasking managerial power: a nurse examines Waikato District...
ARCHIVES EUROPEENNES DE SOCIOLOGIEGorski, P. (2013). As critical realism meets social constructionism--Elder-Vass Dave, The reality of social construction (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2012). European Journal of Sociology, 54(3): 461-465....
This article focuses on the general theoretical issue of realism versus constructivism (or normativism) in politics, with a case of the present-day Russia
“The time of surprise attacks, revolutions carried through by small conscious minorities at the head of unconscious masses, is past. Where it is a question of complete transformation of the social organization, the masses themselves must also be in it, must themselves already have grasped what ...
The realistic theory of risk thinks that risk as an objectively existing social fact,and living in modernity means live in the risk society.The constructionist theory of risk thinks that risk is a category of culture,and the risk society is a concept of self-contradictory.Now it is time that...
After the October Revolution of 1917, socialist trends in literature were established in the 1920’s in Bulgaria, Germany, Poland, France, and Czechoslovakia, and the method of socialist realism emerged as a natural development in world literature. The growth of the antifascist movement in the 19...
Dave Elder-Vass argues that social scientists should be both realists and social constructionists, and that coherent versions of these ways of thinking are entirely compatible with each other. This book seeks to transform prevailing understandings of the relationship between realism and constructionism....
Military sociology, or more precisely, the sociology of military organizations, studies social facts about military institutions, their functional and structural components, and their relations with the societies that constitute their environments. Three
2) What are the main characteristics of American Realism? 2. Selected Reading: Mark Twain’s “The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County” Central issue of concern: Mark Twain-American writer, journalist, and humorist, who introduced colloquial speech into American fiction. ...
A movement in modern art originating in Moscow in 1920 and characterized by the use of industrial materials such as glass, sheet metal, and plastic to create nonrepresentational, often geometric objects. con·struc′tiv·istn. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition....