As the spectrum is fully sampled it can be processed in a conventional manner by the discrete Fourier transform, making the analysis of sensitivity much more straightforward than for NUS data. Previously, 2–3 fold increases in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) have been reported using NUWS. ...
In particular, we showed that there were no significant differences in the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of MRS measurements over time, nor BOLD effects on MRS spectra as represented by narrowing of the linewidth. In addition, we conducted a no-training control experiment on an independent group...
snpc snpdu subnetwork prot snpmi snr scalable coding snrb snuisterijen snyder county pennsyl snalienate snØhvit eventyr so called basic so abram departed as so accept so as bad as sharper so as not to get any so as to decrease so ashamed so baby im alright oh so be my guest so be...
Because of the increased spectral resolution at 7T, only one-half of the SNR of a 4T spectrum was required to obtain the sameIvanCenterTkáčCenterGülinCenterÖzCenterGregorCenterAdrianyCenterKamilCenterUğurbilCenterRolfCenterGruetterCenter...
The chip-scale integration of optical spectrometers may offer new opportunities for in situ bio-chemical analysis, remote sensing, and intelligent health care. The miniaturization of integrated spectrometers faces the challenge of an inherent trade-off b
Table 1. Signal-to-noise comparison for the 15N R1 and R2 (R1ρ) NMR relaxation experiments recorded on 1H 15N Syb-2, using the sensitivity-enhanced HSQC-detection or for comparison using the TROSY-detection scheme. (A) The SNR is calculated by taking the average of the three most intense...
Of the initial sample of 44 HCs and 39 people with SZ, VC voxel data from 2 HCs and 2 SZ were excluded for FWHM criteria, none for SNR criteria, and 1 HC and 1 SZ for T%GM criteria. 1 additional HC was excluded for having a significant artifact in the spectrum. From the included...
A plot of the registration parameters computed in the motion correction is provided for manual review to ensure that the level of motion is not severe enough to adversely affect the resulting analysis. Signal quality metrics such as signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), variance of signal change from ...
and the body of the caudate nucleus and the putamen laterally and superiorly, in line with definitions of NAc anatomy identifiable on MRIs [34] (Supplementary Fig.1). A representative spectrum of the NAc voxel is shown in Fig.1a. We obtained an overall spectral SNR and linewidth of 72 ...
Hue and luminance contrast are basic visual features. Here we use multivariate analyses of magnetoencephalography data to investigate the timing of the neural computations that extract them, and whether they depend on common neural circuits. We show that