The Snowman (1982)Written by Raymond Briggs (book)Directed by Dianne JacksonWhat’s it about?On Christmas Eve Night, a boy’s snowman comes to life and the two go on an adventure.ReviewBased on the picture book of the same name, The Snowman is a wordless animated short that is ...
绘本《The Snowman 雪人》,Penguin Random House 绘本内容 下雪了! 屋外漫天飞舞的大雪,激起了小男孩堆雪人的热情,他欢快的冲出家门,在院子里堆出了一个高大的雪人,然后奇妙的是,当午夜十二点的钟声响起时,男孩仿佛被内心深处唤醒般,决定去看看雪人,当他打开门时,惊讶的发现—原来立在门外的雪人,竟然转身脱帽和...
The Snowman的创作者· ··· 雷蒙德·布里格斯作者 作者简介· ··· 雷蒙·布力格(Raymong Briggs) 1934年1月出生于英国伦敦温布尔顿。先后在温布尔顿艺术学校和伦敦斯雷德艺术学校学习印刷、艺术和美术。他最初从事的是广告业,很快他发现这个行业并不属于自己,从此转向儿童插画行业并兼职担任教师。 他为孩子...
'The Snowman' began as a wordless children's picture book by Raymond Briggs published by Hamish Hamilton in 1978. In 1982 the animated film company TVC (Television Cartoons) developed the story, and in association with Channel 4 TV made a 26-minute cartoon, produced by John Coates and direc...
The Snowman 正文语种 英语 纸质 纸板 版本 无字书 内文方式 图画书 作者地区 美国 出版社名称 RANDOM HOUSE INC 装帧类型 纸板 进口书分类 绘本 语言 英文 图文详情 0 本店推荐 枪炮 病菌与钢铁 Guns Germs and Steel 英文原版书 人类社会的命运 美国普利策奖 比尔盖茨推荐 进口英语书籍 Jared Diamond ¥[1...
绘本故事《牛津树点读版level 2 The Snowman》- 适合 绘本《牛津树点读版level 2 The Snowman》, 绘本内容
years later when he scored Ridley Scott’s first filmThe Duellists. When Raymond Briggs’ children’s bookThe Snowmanwas made into an animated short in 1982, Blake was hired to write the score. Both the film and Blake’s music became internationally famous, the song ‘Walking in the Air’...
The Snowman (机器翻译:雪人) 作者:Howard Blake Music and words Raymond Briggs Original book 出版社:Faber and Faber Ltd ISBN(13位):9780571100743 语种:英语 开本:16 页数:32 市场价:¥ 66.6 装帧成色申东价活动价库存 平装 九成新¥ 20.00¥ 17.600有货通知...
The Snowman (Book of the Film),雪人 (这部书),Raymond Briggs,Ladybird Books,低幼goodnight晚安书The Snowman (Book of the Film)精装版口袋
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